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Everything posted by Sadie612

  1. I would do a happy dance if mine was only $700.... MIne is A LOT more..I was shocked. My value went down but my taxes went up
  2. lossing the extra $$$ was a big shock to the system and had to change out life style dramatically
  3. It isn't over at my house... So it will be slim pickins
  4. I did this too... over night while I had my phone off I got 15 text from them. but this morning nothing... who knows. hopefully this will fix it and I will just go back to pcom for all my info
  5. I have updated my account and took my number off..it still is sending stuff
  6. it droves me insane yesterday But I hope the people of Michigan have a safe day today
  7. I think Nixle has gone crazy on my phone yesterday I got over 40 text from Nixle yesterday alone.... it is driving me nuts !!! The text was about Michigan not here. So I went to my acct and had Paulding info in... updated not to receive text and it still texted me all night long. I even went back and updated my account taking my phone number out and it still texted me. is it wigging out on anyone else and how do I get it to stop ...it will drive me crazier than I allready am
  8. what if both ways are flashing yellow
  9. Morning... I am excited...Going to the Hawk Nelson/ Skillet concert...eeeep
  10. if the send me away who would cook , clean and wash their clothes for them
  11. ummm...I don't think so *lol* I missed that thread.... none of my neighbors are on Pcom I have got a few more bills that need to be taken care of you you wanna help with those I have gotten those emails too but this is the 1st saying I have been accepted into the nursing home
  12. wow... I needed that chuckle today .. I decided not to go to the nursing home and stick around to bug the DH and DD
  13. The Chips are cheaper...Can I bring those instead and you bring the money order
  14. still got sunshine in south paulding
  15. I buy hair color for attack purposes too... I attack my gray hairs all the time but that isn't hurting anyone...
  16. for real!!!!! I have died and gone to heaven..I like all but smoking a fatty... I only smoke Bacon, ham, sausage, turkey... hmmm what am I missing out on
  17. heck... if this means I get the senior discount at Kroger on Wednesday's... I am game
  18. I was talking about you the other day... your friend cut my dd's hair
  19. A money order I think I will pass and stay in my own home.. although a spay and a awesome social network work sounds awesome It's a nursing home... not the psychiatric ward... at least with the nursing home The don't give out white jackets that tie in the back... so I might have a chance of escape
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