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Everything posted by Sadie612

  1. I texted her that... I said I don't have TP can I use your cute hand towel ... I got the heck no and the TP came right away
  2. After yelling for my friend I had to text her. So I thought I would do a psa FYI...before you use the bathroom in someones house make sure you check they have toilet paper!! it is no fun to scream and text to your friend that you need TP Ya know I check public bathrooms so I guess I am gonna start having to check private bathrooms as well
  3. I have been getting bad ear aches for the past 3 days
  4. IDK about the regs... I like for it to look pretty too or at least legit would you use a company with transportation that looked like this?
  5. I wanna color your van... I will make it PURDY
  6. I think I will stick with someone like UPS or Fedex
  7. they could of at least centered it and wrote neater...
  8. While driving down the rd I saw a new shipping company... I might use them! NOT!!! Just thing with a white car/van/truck and a Sharpie you can have a company car too whatcha think!?! click on pic to make it bigger
  9. no complaints yet... same thing with just a new look
  10. you scroll across the top of the screen until someone makes an evil pumpkin on it that screams like a mad cat every time you scroll across it... omg... When can we take it down *rofl*
  11. yeah.. sorry at midnight spelling wasn't a top priority lol I will try and do better just for you bye..by...buy...bi I will let you pick the proper bye( or is it) I fixed it just for you...lol I saw I made sftball 2 words too instead of just 1
  12. I enjoy the older kids as much as the younger kids ... I enjoyed handing out candy I had one of my dd's friends come up that always whers a tshirt and blue jeans... he was in dress pants and a dress shirt. I said wow you clean up nice you even have product in your hair. He said he dressed up as a super model...hahah He looked really nice and I got a good chuckle
  13. I posted this on the old board ( i Think) but I have no clue where it is now My daughter was the emo Alice in wonderland, it turned out cute even though my dd isn't emo..ha
  14. I remember one of the 1st times I stayed home by myself I heard a lady screaming in our pasture. (this was before cell phones) So I called the police and my neighbor ... they got there and heard the scream too. with guns drawn they set out to the pasture. My parents drove up as this was happening and was scared to death. But when the lights from the truck hit the field in the pasture it came across eyes laying low... it screamed and ran....it was a bobcat needles to say it was the last time I stayed by myself for awhile too....lol The police was scared of this thing and told me to
  15. I have used a Pawn shop in front of MacFarlands and Criterion...both are commerce members but I liked Criteron the best I got more money for the weight
  16. so we had a guy( in his 20's) dressed as a busty girl come trick or treating... he asked me to feell him up... I was like OMG... then I felt and they were hard... he had softballs in them. I told him I wished I had a $1 instead of a milky way to give him now..ha My friends and I were cracking stinking up at these people Then after we went to bed my Dh's interns decided to play a trick on us and it ended up with him and his car covered in silly string... haha it was tooo funny So what odd things happen to yall
  17. The DD is at a party and I am gonna go to dinner with DH and some friends. That is some early T&Ters
  18. My DD wanted to be Alice In wonderland for Halloween. This was the only one we could kind that did not look um well tooooo grown up ....so it is Emo Alice .. It turned out cute
  19. I loved those things and had many many sticker books,,, I tried to get my DD into them when she was littler but she didn't want to =( my fave scratch and sniff one was Pickles
  20. I am a goodie goodie I wanna play with you ( trying to sound like the kid from pet cemetery)
  21. Run Forest ...RUN lol btw I am watching the right now
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