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Everything posted by Sadie612

  1. well this is a tree thread... what ever on earth is your hubby talking bout ma'am
  2. but "Natural" makes me sick if it is in the house too long. The spores mess with my sinuses
  3. lol... you a gutter head... who would of thunk it ...lol JK ok you have like 450 ish or so more post... can you do it... where do we place our bets?
  4. what kind of ornaments do you hang on those
  5. Do I want droopy or perky, Bigger or smaller, RZeal or fake, Doctored or Natural? uuuummmmm I am talking about Christmas Trees just so you know ... gutter heads
  6. all I can do is look under a hood and shake my head because I have no clue what to do... maybe you should record you doing the sound it makes... I would like to hear that
  7. that is really nice... just goes to show that kindness is still around
  8. The family did it last year and enjoyed it... we just went out to christmas village there yesterday and had fun and made our reservations while there
  9. I was shopping and he was the checkout guy... he was "checkin me out"
  10. Sadie612


    I just got off the phone with her and she is gonna try and venture out to a store today. she has not drove in 7 months... so I hope she will do ok. Maybe daddy will snoop on her and trail behind her...lol
  11. Sadie612


    yo got a lot of gabbering to do then I have missed my pcom family...
  12. Sadie612


    I haven't really been here a lot in the past few weeks and just wanted to say Howdy!!!! I haven't forgotten about you guys...just been a tad bit busy. Now that my mom has finally hit the road to recovery I should be here more... maybe ha I have only posted 4 or 5 times since Thanksgiving... now I can honestly say I am not addicted to Pcom (maybe.. I think...idk) oh....anyway the reason for this thread is again just to say HI Y'ALL
  13. I hit the ball-n-chain in the bad spot http://sendables.jibjab.com/view/rrjl2gEl8cZX0BMs
  14. Morning y'all... It is sleeting. Ozzie just woke me up tp gp potty and he refused. so now I am cold and damp !!!! Y'all pray for Oz because if he goes in the house he will die( not really... but you know what I mean)
  15. I am only laughing like that because this statement came from you... hahaha tooo funny
  16. well they have done it for many of years without me...whats one more...lol y'all have fun Daisy... if LULU see's you ... that might be the end of you..hahah she scares me
  17. well Pray for the witch(can I be a grinch to her) lol... I am driving her around today ... taking her to visit Sage and to eat Mexican... food makes me happy and Mexican makes me awesomely overjoyed off the subject... CE um why do you have a dirty white shirt in your siggy
  18. I have seen it before.... it isn't my cup of tea but still neat to see at least once. someone had it in their Facebook status that they wished they could afford to take the family to see it... so I know this family has had a lot of bad luck this past year so I gave them to them it was my good deed of the month...so now I can be a grinch to the rest of you...lol
  19. not going... I have a christmas lunch(late lunch) in Newan
  20. after 5 hours of cooking ( a big big big pot of beans) The are YUMMMO... I just ate some for breakfast. They taste just like my granny's I think I will be a fatback buyer from this point forth. I remember my great granny frying it up for cabbage on day but I ate a lot of it... it is super salty but from what I remember I liked it ...hahaha and um ewwwwwww at the back picture. I guess she is double sided.
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