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Everything posted by Sadie612

  1. here is an idea ....instead of setting booby traps...Lock your deadbolts and find something to fix the way they are getting in Call the popo before asking on a chat board if you should... I am just dumbfounded on the lack of common sense at times I don't mean to sound mean, rude or just plan snarky but I am just shaking my head right now.
  2. I thought they meant to add it because of the Shards Of Glass commercial ...
  3. When I was pregnant my great granny told me when I decided on a name I need to scream it at the top of my lungs up the stair case for 5 minutes....to see how it sounds/flows to make sure I like it because that is what I would be screaming for the rest of my life...
  4. maybe they didn't give you a dressing because you said salad...I was informed one day they don't serve salads they have zalads ...so I don't go there...there chicken is way to salty for me anyway...lol
  5. omg...a trip to Chick-fil-a and the girl didn't say my pleasure once btw...I would never call. I just found it funny
  6. that is just laziness silly... who ever would think it is to much trouble to lock their doors
  7. This is your life are you who you want to be? A moment of your life can change it forever Never fear shadows. They simply mean there's a light shining somewhere nearby. I have a lot more but I am tired
  8. start a facebook that way you can control which pcom friends you converse with
  9. I am sorry this is happening to you!!!! This is a no brainer ... I would of called the cops a long time ago and would not have to ask Pcom! you need to get better locks for 1 then maybe check into getting an alarm my friend had this happen in her subdivision and bought the deadbolts that need a key to open and nailed all ground level windows shut. the next time their home was broken into they were able to catch them cause they were trapped iin the home and a neighbor noticed someone breaking out the front upstairs window ( those were the only ones not nailed. They not only go
  10. I am extremely happy for you...being in love is the best feeling in the world!!!! EVERYONE deserves happiness in their life But don't hate me for saying this but I think some of the peoples snarky comments are because of the hyper speed this relationship has taken and some probably think you are rushing into something. also some think with all the topics on this matter some feel you are rubbing it into another pcom members face ( touchy subject I know) with this said I wish you the best of luck my friend and many more blissful moments with the love of your life. al
  11. sad, I really don't collect anything anymore I be broke
  12. it annoys me too but I understand why. Some people took advantage of the system and ruined it for us all
  13. got pregnant while on the stupid pill.. I had my dd 8 months after we got married BUT she was almost 3 months premature then lived in the hospital for almost 5 months... talk about a stressful way to spend the honeymoon years
  14. she did that to me too... I had to bribe her with shoes to meet her i was just getting ready today but if people stopped by I did not stop them from looking I will send you a fa message soon
  15. don't you know most people get their attorney's while watching Jerry Springer or Maury. sad but kinda true. That is why you always see those commercials more during those type of shows
  16. 33% but that is across the boards on all injury claims unless it is workers comp then the lawyer takes 25%
  17. I don't know anyone that has used them but I do know someone who used Gary Martin Hayes and associates ...lol (they won) when I use an attorney I want one that doesn't have a tv commercial.
  18. um.. kinda but not really...,lol it was slow to me...ha
  19. so Pedro is losing your vote lol.. I hate the movie but can quote the sucker..lord help me
  20. we had a lake built in our pasture when I was younger...My daddy would fish other lakes then release them into ours.
  21. I like face time on the new one...but you can only do face time with others that have the 4.
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