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Everything posted by Sadie612

  1. I have to resize all my photos I put on pcom. they only allow them to be so big
  2. I need to see a pic of that baby. When did you have it?
  3. after 17 years we tolerate each other
  4. y'all must of learned from each other I finally have met you but not her yet. I wasn't at home both times she came by. Chad knows her though...lol
  5. http://www.tmz.com/2010/10/22/lindsay-lohan-court-hearing-failed-drug-tests-probation-violation-betty-ford-clinic/ Lindsay's been ordered back to rehab. what a stinkin shocker HEr and her parents need a good swift kick in the rear ...but that is just my opinion
  6. i do too but it would get me in trouble
  7. thats because it revolves around me :ninja:
  8. like I said...I had to move after you came over to my old house who else are you pcom/fb stalking
  9. Mother-In-Law's day..whoooooo is celebrating!!!!
  10. I don't have a choice Matt... they bought the mortgage I do my personal banking at Suntrust and wachovia and have never had an issue that wasn't promptly fixed
  11. it's about to go down by 1 soon jk i u
  12. I am friends with most of Ashlyns close friends... because you are the company you keep ...lol plus they like my status updates most the time..ha
  13. I am my dd's friend on fb so I can see off hand what is up then I have her PW so I can go in at anytime and check it. Myspace...whats that WHen Myspace was cool yeah I had her pw there too
  14. I noticed some went up already after my trip to Kroger. I had one item go up from $6 to $9 bucks. I also noticed an increase on a few other things.
  15. I would be more than happy to send them to you ... But looks like until they fix my issues I can't even afford a bow to wrap it in
  16. lol... I will pass on that too. I like having expressions and I don't like injecting poison in my body...lol Plus it took me tooooo long to perfect my look. You know that look that says you mean business to mess it up with botox
  17. lol... It is but my veins are still in hiding...grateful for that too
  18. I couldn't get past all the pregnant and corn dog chit chat..lol how do you type upside down? if it was only a $600 mistake I would be but it isn't it is A LOT more and I am
  19. yep and Now I need a retail therapy trip to Target
  20. Morning y'all... the choices you make don't just influence you, they influence the people around you. So put a smile on your face and make a decision that brightens your day
  21. I find it funny that my stressed out vent about BOA has turned into a positive and fun thread about the cute dude that works at Target
  22. BOA just stinkin called me again and had no record of my call from earlier today... really... OMG!!!!!
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