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Everything posted by EagleWings

  1. I am not one to start rumors so I hope this post doesn't imply anything different. I know there aren't any facts coming out about the two resignations but my curiosity is going around in circles. If this resignation was nothing but taking another job or simply stepping down, why would the facts be kept secret? Why isn't anyone talking and saying just that? If I got another job and left for it, why all hush hush? They secrecy around this is what is stoking the fire of gossip. If it was just a resignation, then say it. That's all. THEN, rumor mills would be closed down. Right?
  2. I was walking outside at my house late last night and low and behold.................Ferns the size of my truck, spider monkeys screeming in the trees, toucans showing their brilliant colors, Banana trees flapping in the night breeze and a tree canopy that blocks out all attempts of the sun's rays to lighten the jungle floor. Anyone else experiencing the same changes around their house? I snapped some photos..............
  3. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..................did you not get my post? Should I even bother to explain? Maybe you need to go back and see just onnnnnnnne more time. I was just making light of the "gossip" opportunity. No seriousness at all in my post. So please, don't pick me out the crowd. Shame, shame.
  4. What did you miss? Let's say it's like you slept through the Clinton years.
  5. Like I said earlier, I learned a few tricks this morning.
  6. You know me..................I like to bring a smile to those with a sense of humor.
  7. Don't the people have a right to know? They are public officials..............Ok, we'll wait for the official word. Have we heard the word yet? How bout now?
  8. Are you still behind? Thanks for letting me know I was in a race. It's all a conspiracy against you. I'm in on too. I can make all your posts go POOOOOOF.
  9. Come on people. There you go. Let the truth ooze out. Who is going to get the credit of opening the flood gates?
  10. Coming from me to the mods, this may actually get you a bullet, but I am nominating you for 2 mayberries, ah what the heck, how about 3 mayberries for your kind and "saving a 9 year old boys christmas" actions on the matter. Thanks for making I'm Floored's day.
  11. Look likes you and Barney Frank might be related.
  12. Wow. 2 "volunteer" resignations at the same time. No suspicions there.
  13. Even if it doesn't snow, the forecast is saying it will be COLD. Highest temps after this thursday will only be 48 clear through the New Year. BRRRRRRRRRR. I like it.
  14. That is just tooooo funny. Thanks for the outburst of laughter.
  15. I don't think he should have won. He wasn't even the best running back much less the best football player. JMO.
  16. I saw the students should bring a lawsuit against the school for not allowing them to protect themselves. This is what you get when you let LIBERALS run things. It appears idiotic to me.
  17. Sorry hun, I thought I was posting a general statement and not a theological stance. I know God's love is ever reaching but there are some who lack it. (by their choice of course) Oh, don't forget I used the word "usually" and not definitely.
  18. For what it's worth, Folks who curse usually do it because (1) they are insecure about themselves or their position (2) they try to intimidate others verbally (3) they lack the true Living God's love, or (4) they are just plain trash. You pick. Whatever the reason, he ranks low on any scale.
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