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Everything posted by EagleWings

  1. I think this is a better picture. More life like...........ya'll agree?
  2. Image is everything in business. Why spend a boat load of money on advertisement if the focus is going to be drawn to the misspelled word(s)? We were in Memphis TN a couple of years ago and the sign read "Mexican Restarant". A professionally made sign. Another one said "Wednsday Services". There is no excuse for that. If you come across unprofessional, then your customers will expect the same thing. (If they decide to use you at all)
  3. Those Milledgeville people get to have all the fun.
  4. Seems there are some great priced trees in a lot of different areas. Even HD had a good price on thiers.
  5. It appears I was the last one here on pcom that didn't have a thread on Glenn. So here it is.
  6. People don't realize that gun control laws only affect the law abiding citizen. Those laws NEVER prevent crime. The only thing it does is it tells the criminal that nobody will have any protection against an assault. What better environment could a criminal need? Thanks libs.
  7. My wife's shoulder is up for an emmy later this year as best supporting body part in a particular scene. Hope it can pull it out.
  8. Great story "JMT". I hope others see the moral behind it and not get lost in the story itself.
  9. I'm sure the internal investigation will put it into "more professional" terminology.
  10. He's dead. to the officer that did it. Trial by police officer and sentencing by smith and wesson.
  11. The only thing I might add would be the "affair" word for Tiger. He might have been on the "prowl".
  12. If you have to snoop on your spouse, then you have bigger problems than deciding on the ethical being of "snooping". Marriage is a covenant between a man and a woman and God. It isn't about individualism anymore. Both are vowed to work toward God and grow closer together in the process. If there are things someone else must to to undermine this, then someone isn't working on the marriage. I hope the two can work toward His common goals.
  13. I had a stretch Armstrong too. Who else on here tried to punch him in the middle of his chest? Man did that hurt.
  14. It's just like everything else from the left, idiots are out there sucking it up. They are sooooo stupid, they will believe anything out of these people's mouth. What is pitiful is the all the mindless people who blindly follow these blatent lies. These immoral people are incapable of decifering the truth in their lives. They will follow these liars right to their deaths.
  15. This one was a little difficult to find. Weebles Wobble Weegoaway Camper set.
  16. We all had one of these, right?
  17. I found some old toys at my parents house and it started my trip down memory lane. I got on the internet and started looking at old (retro) toys. It was fun to be a kid. They don't make toys like this anymore.
  18. They may call her one of the most influencial people ever but I would have to say her influence was for the worst. I'll be glad when she leaves.
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