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sweet tea

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Everything posted by sweet tea

  1. sweet tea


    My husband did Thrive and is still doing it. He went to the class for several weeks once he got the hang og it. IT worked pretty well for him. ( 25 lbs. in about 3 months) He went to the office in Cartersville for his classes.
  2. Yes thank you Paulding County Sheriff's Department!
  3. Yeah I for sure thought I could find out more about this on P.com!! Only thing I know is they drove up and down my street several times last night with the "spotlight" on. It was around 3:00am cause I was up with my baby. I sure do hope they found the guy or gal!
  4. SO SO SO SAD!! Praying for this family to have peace as they walk through this valley. Will was an amazing little man who loved his friends and loved life.
  5. I am so sorry to hear this. It makes me so sad for this family to walk down this path again. Mike, Matt and Tiffany...yall are in my prayers.
  6. When my g'mom passed away 10 years ago, she was treated very respectful and was rolled out on a stretcher by the funeral home workers. I think the hospice nurse was there too while they did their "business". So sorry that it would have to be any other way. I'll NEVER forget those images of her being wheeled out of her house, placed into the hurst and down the driveway.
  7. Yes~we also went in to get my son's tux for the prom!! Very very nice experience! I sure hope more people will stop by because she has a TON of dresses for the prom and has everything in tux rentals also!! I'm so glad we didn't have to go all the way to the mall to take care of business. It was nice to shop locally!
  8. Yes it started out with 3 days spread out over the year, BUT then this past month they took out 3 more days spread over the remainder of the year. SO we have about 3 times the amount that was originally taken out NOW being taken out of our checks. PLUS my husband is also being effected by furlough days from the state. You know $300 a month can be a pretty big chunk!!
  9. I think someone was reading my mind when they started this tread!! Yes, I'm in the same boat. 5 people living in a 3/2...but we can't even afford to move is the bad thing. First off there is NO way we would even get close to what we would need to move and Second with the furlough days that Sonny has put in place for teachers and state employees, our income has dropped quite a bit since this time last year So there is not a light at the end of the tunnel for us wanting a bigger house. For now it is really just a dream!!
  10. We buy most stuff at Wal-Mart expect meat. We've found that Ingles has the best meat. Yes Publix has nice stuff but I've always thought they were a bit pricey. You can get some good deals at kroger when you use the coupons that print off at the check-out. But all in all, I think food has gone way up the past few years in every store.
  11. My husband and I were both born on April 16 !!!Congratulations on your little bundle~~
  12. Such a sweet loving person to be around. I'll be praying for her family especially her kids.
  13. I've had several dealings with Dr. Vick and I say you should call his office!! I see others have already posted the number.
  14. Well usually Chick-Fil-A's arent that close together either. With one being 5 miles away in Hiram I really doubted it was true. But even with one being so close, if there was one at 61 and 278 it would still probably do very well. I've never seen a CFA not do well!
  15. Has anyone else heard that they are going to build a Chick-Fil-A at Hwy 61 and Hwy 278?? I think behind the QT. I would LOVE it if it's true. That would really be great!. Although they would have to do something about the traffic pulling in and out of there.
  16. Prayers to this sweet sweet family. There isn't much more to say than you will be in my prayers. Caleb was such a fine young man.
  17. I hope this clip works...so so sad to think of what this brother and mom and dad are going through.
  18. We haven't had any issues with the school. My son is a good student who keeps up with stuff and is also in AP/ Honors classes. The times I've had any dealings with the administration they've been great! I've had no complaints.
  19. I haven't recieved the "phone call" saying NO SCHOOL...and it's NOT on the BOE website. Just wondering if anyone has "offically" heard this.
  20. My daughter loves the Santa in the window and talks about all during the year!! She calls it "Santa's house".....how long after Christmas will you have the display up??
  21. This is so sad. I'm so glad that he was able to get help before his "plans" went through. My prayers are with him.
  22. I don't think the vaccine has come out for children under 2 years of age. Atleast that was what I was told because I have a 7month old.
  23. I've got 2 children who had it yesterday and have been fine. I hope she gets to feeling better.
  24. I wonder why so many people seem to have this problem?? Builders maybe not doing a correct job in the first place or what? I don't know. Does anyone know where to get a sump pump?? I've never heard of that before and glad to know there is that option. Did you find "EverDry" in the phone book?? And did your home owners insurance cover any of the cost?? Thanks for your help.
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