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Posts posted by lilgallowsmama

  1. Where is this place at?


    Some grocery stores are actually stepping up to the plate on their beer selection. The Kroger on 278/61 has a nice selection of good beer. Of course its still dominated but the redneck tri-fecta (Bud, Bud Light, Millet Lite) but they have a nice sampling of Micro-Brews and even started to carry Bodingtons. (I think they got sick of me asking when they were going to start stocking it :D ) of course now that I found Highland Package store I buy my adult bevgs. there.

    Barrett Pkwy - right behind Chuck-E-Cheese. Don't freak out. I took Dxh there once and when we walked in the door he glanced down at the wine prices and went :o :o :o . Not all of it's like that, and they have a killer beer selection over on the far left. It's the size of a Bed, Bath, and Beyond (it's actually in the old BB&B).

  2. Definitely has a very strong cranberry flavor.




    It would depend on the place. But you should be able to get six packs of each of the seperate types.

    Total Wine has a wall full of individual beers, so you can try just one. The sweet guy that works that area lets me break a 6 pack if I want to try one that's not on the wall, also. It's perfect for somebody like me who doesn't like grocery store beer. :bad:

  3. It's my favorite of the Sam Adams brews. Its strong like an Ale but smooth. If you want to really try some different beers pick up a "winter classics" 12 pack of Sams. You get 2 each of Sam Adams, Winter Lager, Cream Stout, Cranberry Laumbac (sp?), Holiday Porter and Ole Feisse Wig Ale.

    I shall try that. I hate cranberry though...wonder if I could go to Total Wine and buy a few individually? I love that place. :blush:

  4. It's pretty much like Guinnes but to me it is not as strong and has a creamier texture. I still like Guinnes better, but it was pretty good, comes in those cans with the widget so it wasn't cheap but a good stout rarely is.


    That actually sounds really good.


    How's the Winter Lager, by the way? I've never tried it.

  5. Just did this hunt - Walmart - $118. Sam's $108. Target - $99 regular price - got it last week for $88. Walmart and Sam's only had the World tour version. Target has both the World Tour and the Aerosmith verison - we go the world tour verions becuase it had a larger variety of songs and hubby didn't want to listen to Aerosmith all Christmas break. :) !


    I also did an online search for this - no one else had it for these kinds of prices. Best buy was advertising them - but i couldn't find a store that had them.


    Good luck on your hunt.


    It doesn't just have Aerosmith songs, it also has the members of Aerosmith's favorite songs. ^_^

  6. You don't have to take everything so seriously, Shai. Reality isn't black and white, answers don't have to be yes or no, and absolutely nothing has to happen today. Act when you're ready. Be led by your feelings. And the next time someone wants to fit you into a mold, just tell 'em that your jeans are in the wash, your angel's at the mall, and Oprah's on the other line.


    Fuzzy as dice -

    The Universe


    Absolutely perfect, per usual.

  7. May I add a suggestion?


    A while back a lady I know, had something, like this, happen to her son. Of course, he too, was upset. She did not think she would ever get him calmed.


    That afternoon, a friend of hers called and was told about the day. Laughing she told her that she could help.


    About an hour after they had talked, the phone rang again. The caller asked for the little boy. This was a first for the little boy, he had only talked to his grandparents on the phone before. The little boy took the phone and he could hear Christmas music and reindeer bells jingling. The ladies voice on the other end said his name and was laughing happily.


    It was Mrs Claus!!! She wanted to let the little boy know that Santa had seen him earlier and wanted to tell him that he looked forward to actually meeting him at another time. After a little chat the call ended and there was a look of joy that took the place of the tears.


    From what I have seen here on P.com, you have many friends and I am sure that one of them would LOVE to make a call to your lil one.


    You also mentioned the Lights of Life. Would that be at Life college? I was wondering if they still put up the lights. If they are, I want to drive through with Ashton.


    Several years back, my sister Glenda and her husband Jim, owned a bar just off of 41 on the same street as Life College. On the corner is the Waffle House, and a small shopping center. Then the next building was where "Silver Shooters" was located. The traffic from Thanksgiving until the New Year was always a mess. So if you take your lil one to see the lights, leave early. LOL, it seemed at times that we had folks coming in to use the restroom than we did customers!


    Either way, have a wonderful Holiday!!

    :wub: Denise

    Wow thanks! That's a great idea. She decided not to go try and see Santa again tonight - got all pouty, threw her Chrismas outfit on the floor and her shoes in the closet and pouted for a bit :pardon: Maybe some other time. The lady said he'd be back Wednesday, so I'll have to check the times (and go really, REALLY early)

  8. I guess I should go ahead and add that I'm NOT bashing Santa. :nea: I think he's one of the most realistic Santa's I've ever seen and was extremely excited to get to see him in person and have both of our pictures taken with him. It was just very disappointing to get there and find out we couldn't see him, after getting ready and making the drive. I wanted to spare everybody else an upset child. ^_^

  9. Sorry to hear about your trip, you may think about taking her to rockmart. There is another thread about the santa with pics on here. I understand that they start seeing kids after dark everyday. Good luck with getting to see santa.

    I'll have to search for that one - I'd hate to go somewhere else and miss Santa again, though. :unsure: This is the first year I've talked her into actually seeing him and sitting in his lap for pictures. Last three years she had a complete meltdown.

  10. The line closes an hour early. -_-


    I've read on all the sites, posts, and even in PM that Santa is there until 5 on Sundays. I FINALLY got HR excited to see Santa for the first time ever, got her dressed in her Christmas outfit, and made the hike out to the Marietta Square with a screaming excited preschooler in the back seat. I got there at 4:12 and the lady wouldn't let us in line. Talk about a horrible car trip home. :(


    So yeah. Line closes an hour early, just to prevent tears later. We may go out to the Lights of Life later, but she's pretty darn upset with Santa right now. :rolleyes:

  11. Work? Honey, the lotto is over 200 million. Your going to take home at least half of that. You could just go to school the rest of your life - no work needed. You would need to change your screen name to Dr. LGM sooner or later though. :lol:



    I can't not work. I'm going to school to teach college for a reason. :p Multi-millionaire or not, I'd still want to teach.

    Maybe I'd just work at a kick A museum or something...or do private lessons...or something :lol: , but I couldn't not work. :nea:


    And I'm already gonna be a Dr. LGM sooner or later. :D


    Rent???.... if ya won the lotto you could get chauffeured all the way. :p



    Also, if I did win the $207 million. I'd wear a top hat with a monocle, and wear a tuxedo with a cane all the time. Like rich people used to do in the 20's and 30's. But in all likelihood instead of people thinking I was rich they'd think I was Mr. Peanut. :lol:


    The whole point in the road trip is to experience the freedom of driving that far by myself. :p

  12. First I would do a happy dance. Then I would immediately put up $$ for the rest of my college tuition, as well as HR's. Then I'd buy a house, pay up the bills/HR's school for a year, and pay off my car/car insurance.


    Voila! Then I could go to college without having to work, finish my darn degree, and get into the real world to support myself.


    Oh, and I'd pay a friend/family member to keep HR for me for a few days next month so I could go visit a friend out of state, and then rent a car so I wouldn't have to put the miles on mine. ^_^

  13. There is a $5.00 suggested donation to the Merchants Association to help pay for the carriage, hay ride, Santa, marshmallows, entertainment, animals and other costs.. I will upload the images to my web site Sunday night for you to see --- and download to print anyway you want.


    I am not looking to make anything on this but we would like your email address so we can put you on our E-letter list.


    That is awesome!

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