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Posts posted by lilgallowsmama

  1. I thank people when they don't yell at me. ^_^ Well....only if they're not yelling over something people normally yell at me about.


    When I call, I'm pleasant - I've been in Customer Service for 7 years and know how if feels to be on their end. :pardon:

  2. My sister-in-law is a Budhist from Thailand.


    To me, it involves the worship of the statue of Budha and involves a bunch of monks. I don't know much more about it other than she is very different from Christians.She did go to a retreat for an extended period of time and shaved her little head bald and wore the robes and all. They chant a lot pver and over.And over.


    It most certainly is a religion in itself.


    They have their little superstitions like not preparing at all for a baby before it comes because it will curse the baby and things like that.


    They really do not seem any more at peace with themselves than the rest of us are.


    I was raised Methodist and am still Methodist.


    I was raised believing that Budhists worship a false God.And somewhere I think I knew about rubbing his fat tummy for good luck. And I know they believe in reincarnation.


    If they are seeking a peaceful life, they need to work on it a little harder.

    Thanks! ^_^

  3. I absolutely agree with you - I had an ephiany years ago that the mediation of Buddhism, the chanting of the Koran (sp?), the recitation of the Hail Mary, the recitation of the Lord's Prayer, the recitation of the Torah, etc. are all really the same thing - trying to calm the inner soul through a repetitive, meditative means in order to achieve a higher soul awareness (for a lack of better words).

    I'm gonna include that with your opinion....separate, but included. ^_^ ;) I like it.


    I thought you took it wrong.... I knew you were looking for input, and you can come back to this much easier than taking notes and asking\stopping people..

    Yeah, the project specifically involves getting other people's opinions/definitions and backgrounds...I picked the subject. There's a theme around it, but I can't get into the theme.



  4. :( .... ummm.. sorry..





    I just definitely wouldn't have p.com do my homework for me. :nea: I need a variety of opinions...and being a single mom/full-time employee/student, it was much easier to use my resources than stand on campus and ask random people. ;)

  5. I have a very good friend that is from India that I enjoy talking to about this. If you need I would be glad to call and see if he is in the US or if he is still in India...he had to return to take care of family business last month. He does live in Paulding but goes back and forth due to business.

    Wow! :o

    While I would be super interested in talking to him about Buddhism, I actually don't think I'll need it for this project if he is Buddhist (and has always been that way).

    I might...lemme talk to the professor.


    You're awesome, SOLO. :wub:


    Don't know if it met your expectations. :lol: We actually practice some Buddhist philosophy in my tradition. Buddhism really isn't a religion at all and can complement other religions, including Christianity. JMHO :)

    Yep - it's exactly what I needed.


    I'm loving all the different answers! They all seem to intertwine in some way, but are still different. Too cool. ^_^

  6. To me Buddhism is the ultimate personal responsibility. Every action you create, creates either a negative or positive reaction. How those actions effect those around you and the universe is " your responsibility " I started studying Buddhism about 3 years ago. I was raised Christian and found it to be very empty and not fulfilling. I love being Buddhist .. because it only reinforced what I have always known to be true. It's not about Gods, worshiping, going to church. It's what about what's in your heart. You can't fake it, you can't hide it, it is the true you. You can't eat a steak and then claim to love animals. There is no baptism that will rescue you from your sins. Only you can save yourself, and only you can determine what the future and the next life holds for you. :wub:

    :D :wub:


    I was looking forward to yours too. :p

  7. It is a belief that you suffer though many lives tiring to become I guess you could say right with your soul. You will have to repeat life (rebirth) over and over until you achieve it.


    It is not something I believe in


    this is a very short verison it is really about many life levels.



    Buddhism is an atheistic religion that teaches that all human suffering is caused by desire. There are four truths that describe the situation with desire, and the eightfold path helps take care of it. Enlightenment can be reached through meditation, the goal being Nirvana.


    I think.

    ^_^ Thanks!


    Buddhism is a philosophy where one attempts to achieve harmonious balance between the inner self (higher spirit) and the natural world around him/her.

    I was waiting on your answer. :p

  8. Well, if it helps your study, I did used to rub his belly when I was little and wish for things. I had to have got that idea from somewhere? Maybe that gives you an idea of my parents beliefs on Buddhism :pardon:


    I think I did the same thing.

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