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Posts posted by rednekkhikkchikk

  1. Could be that the judge saw it this way: If the father had managed up til that point without the mother's money, and the daughter was now going to live with the mother, it would only take away from the child to take money from the custodial parent and give it to the non-custodial parent at that point in time. Common sense. Hello?


    Maybe he wasn't worried about either parent, maybe he actually focused on the kid's immediate needs, which is as it should be....if the father was sending her "with his blessing", is it not possible that he didn't feel it necessary to take the mother's money, so as not to take away from the girl? The fact that he would gladly send her to the mother after that many years of instability makes me think that some details have been omitted from this story.


    Did the father complain about this ruling?


    Nobody mentioned it, but I assume in the case of the man who hadn't paid and was threatened with jail, he was not the custodial parent (ie-the one footing the bills at that particular point in time)? Not the same situation at all, therefore not comparable with one another.

  2. If it's a 50/50 chance this coil went bad as a result of the accident, have you considered asking State Farm to pay for half of the repair? Just a thought.


    It's pretty common to get less than stellar claim service from another person's insurance company. What do they care? You don't buy from them anyway....of course, wouldn't matter if you did; I know of another large insurance company who is notorious for treating their own customers badly if they're the not-at fault party in an accident with another of their policyholders. Same company spends millions in advertising, with emphasis on what? Their wonderful claims service, of course.


    I would also like to say that I think Henderson Collision does excellent work and Jimmy is a super nice guy. I've always found him to be honest and helpful and just based on my knowledge of him, I can't imagine he would do anything that even hinted at impropriety or to risk the good reputation he's worked so hard to establish.

  3. Vicious? I'm still looking for 'harshly negative comments and attacks'-to no avail, I might add. I think we've hit the wall here with the adjectives.


    I don't think a thread inviting others to meet for dinner or even a heated debate about the quality of any certain eatery will ever inspire 'thought-provoking, intelligent commentary'. If that's the expectation, I think someone will be sorely disappointed....


    It would be less burdensome for those who encounter something that offends or upsets them to simply abandon that particular post or thread than expect others to suppress their own opinions or ideas on the chance that it might not set well with them.


    Obviously whoever posted the comment(s) in question had something to say, hence the fact that they didn't 'simply scroll on by'.

  4. Some of us just don't fit in...Everyone seems to have made friends here and in public and blown their cover as to who they are here...I don't want to.  I want friends, but I want my signin name to be what it is or else I would just sign in with my name...ya know?  What fun would it be to sign in as a undisclosed name when everyone knows you?  Also takes the fun out of having an opinion that may not go along with the "clique's."





    Solitude has its virtues. :)

  5. I don't particularly care for snakes myself, but I believe I'd rather take a chance on Mr. Snake avoiding me than to permeate my home with the scent of mothballs. Those things can make you seriously ill and are downright dangerous if not used with caution.


    I found a snake in my kitchen the first year we moved into our house. Went outside, sat there til my husband came home, only to find that he didn't want to deal with it any more than I did. His first words were "Why didn't you stay in there to see where it went?" My reply to that ~very stupid~ question was "^$%@ &^#^ %&^@% @^&"


    Wasn't long before he realized there wouldn't be any supper til he got that critter out of my kitchen... :lol:

  6. Dont' forget the parmesian cheese with that!!


    Somehow, that signature just seems wrong alongside your screen name and avatar. Very, very wrong. :unsure:


    ***Sarcastic comment about marriage omitted out of respect for those who are about to or recently did get married. ;)

  7. Awww, he's a cutie. I have a cat, though, and there's already some disharmony between the canine and feline at my house -- the cat whoops up on the dog every single chance he gets. Cat doesn't even let the dog get a good sniff of him before he rears up & slaps him. With both feet. Dog doesn't get it at all.


    I hope he finds a good home. Those are really smart, fun dogs. Jump like they got springs on their feet.


    And he's just so cute!!


    Do you know if he's good (or at least ok) with kids?

  8. It may just be their order in the 'pack'.


    I highly recommend anyone who has a dog, and especially those with more than one, read a book called The Secret Life of Dogs. It's very enlightening. I'm sorry, I can't recall the author's name. It's been years since I read the book.

  9. They still have a right to privacy. Not all names and addresses are crime suspects, either. I understand that anybody can listen in to the scanner, but posting personal information on a public website for all to see and find in the future is going too far in my opinion.


    Don't take this personally, I'm asking all who post in this forum.


    Been debated more than a couple times. I believe the general consensus is that it's not a violation of any law, and I also believe those posting the calls are pretty adept at discerning when it might be inappropriate to post certain personal information.


    I know several members have helped to post these calls in the past year, and all have done a great job.

  10. There used to be a small pharmacy in downtown D-Ville.  I think it is still there.  I used to go there when I would go to Dr. Eyebrows...I mean Dr. Roberson.  They were real nice in there, though it has been a while since I have been there.




    I think I've been to that Dr. before-I only saw him once, when I had gotten sun-poisoning in Florida about 14 years ago and had to have a cortisone shot. I can't even be sure it was him, because the name doesn't ring a bell. I do remember he sure-enough had some eyebrows, though.

  11. Don't know, but that helicopter looked to have Red Cross emblems on it, and I saw what appeared to be the same helicopter just a little bit ago over southwest of the bank, and at the same time, a large greyish colored helicopter came from the north, also flying very low. It wasn't the same type of helicopter as the first one, and it went toward the hospital.

  12. I would think the owner should care enough to remove the animal, preferably before too many squishings. I know I would, and did, actually.


    The first year after I divorced, someone hit a rather large deer, which wound up in my yard - on the right of way, where it would have been in the ditch, if there were a ditch there. By the time I was referred in a couple circles and spent another day waiting for the appropriate dept to do it's thing, the neighborhood dogs had whittled it down to the point that they were able to carry it away to their private dining area to finish it off. Otherwise, no telling how long it would have been there.

  13. Welcome back and ~congratulations~


    Sounds like you just had a real good time all the way around. :)






    Guess there aren't many men who can say their new bride had her picture made choking some guys chicken on their wedding trip... :lol:

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