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Everything posted by gpatt0n

  1. We did finally get some word about Duff (FIL) and the news is that he ended up with seven by-passes. Apparently while the worst artery was 90 percent blocked and the second 70 percent, there were enough blockage on the remaining five to prompt action given his 'tolerance' to the surgery. He did well in the surgery and the prognosis remains good and like Frann pointed out above, most recoveries these days seem almost miraculous. It does seem to put a whole new spin on the joke that it only hurts when you laugh thanks again for the positive thoughts and while there are some p
  2. That was covered in the Paulding.com News two weeks ago. http://www.paulding.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=213595 Here's the listing of stories from the June 26th edition: Paulding.com news this week includes: A series of stories from the Commission including problems at Burnt Hickory Park, ethics legislation and asking for donations for the Children's Advocacy Center. Oh, and an admonition on why you shouldn't fall asleep at the wheel. It will have the answer to your question straight from the horses mouth. pubby
  3. LR: I'm sorry but to put the show in text form would require that we transcribe the video interviews which, if you've watched our news, is by far the largest portion of a typical show. Usually about the only part that is scripted (ever appears in text) are the segues, which are typically short snippets used to introduce the story. What would be great is if someone would come along and transcribe the news. I believe all the services we have allow for the 'closed captioning' of the content. The big problem would be that we don't have the content together until the last minut
  4. Paulding.com news this week includes:** Barks and Bags owner arrested** Sheriff's office activity report ** Sarah Babb view** Weekend events Click for RECENT TOPICS click for RECENT TOPICS click for RECENT TOPICS
  5. We have no news at this point - just called my wife - but I'm assuming no news is good news. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. When I hear something I'll let you know. pubby
  6. Seeing that an accident is going to happen and the experiencing it is unsettling. I don't blame you for wanting to stay home although you'll likely miss some pickin and grinning if you don't head out to Raccoon Creek! pubby
  7. I never knew there this many talented folks playing around on pcom FYI: My first efforts were as reporter for the first "Daily Razorback Report" for KFPW/KTVP Fort Smith/Fayettville in the 1975 season when the Hogs went to the Cotton Bowl. I shot it with a Bolex H-16 with a turret and when that camera was stolen, I ended up with another H-16 but with a zoom lens. I was also doing stringer reports for Channel 7 in Little Rock but the big deal was that the coaches and players I interviewed daily included not only Frank Broyles but Jimmy Johnson (later of Cowboys and Miami coaching fame),
  8. Talked with the folks this morning and it appears the prognosis is good ... i.e. they caught the attack early enough that there was not severe damage to the heart muscle and only one artery is really restricted (90%) . When the go in, they may stop after clearing that one or go to the next most restricted at 70 percent ... and then ... anyway, clearing that one artery is the key. His wife has been with him in ICU and he's resting well and while it is a serious event ... it looks like this one will be one of the better outcomes. pubby
  9. Irish: I've used Adobe Premier over several versions but for the PC, I actually prefer Vegas. The hobbiest version (sted of pro) provides four video tracks and the same number of audio tracks and while one can certainly legitimately layer more; I've only found that a limitation a couple of times in the past three years. Beyond that, I simply love the titleing function for its ease of operation and it has a good set of filters and effects. The version I got included a sound editor (the inline one is really not bad) but I still use an older version of Adobe audition for that (Actually ha
  10. I just got word that my wife's father has had a heart attack and is now in the hospital in Chattanooga. He is expected to go in for heart surgery of some sort shortly after noon today and I'm sure the prayers of those on PCOM will help. thanks pubby
  11. Mason: That is a nicely done video and let me encourage you to head in that direction. Irish, as he did editing for a network for two decades, has got to be pretty much the expert. I had an opportunity back in the day (1980s) of 3/4 inch cameras and players but there were too many buttons and I liked computers. But back in those days, computers just weren't capable of much in terms of graphics, much less editing video. Of course I play around with it these days and I'm sure some of my efforts give Irish a chuckle Hey, I got an excuse, I was a print guy and photographer.
  12. Answer those THREE questions and win two tickets! This is the last set of questions that bluegrass fans will likely know and then, of all who tried, we'll draw for two more tickets to attend. You're the winner weatherboy! pubby
  13. I've been to many Raccoon Creek Bluegrass Festival events and it seems there is always a surprise or two! pubby
  14. That's good to know. And Brandon, while your commerce membership allows you to promote Macfarlanes; that thar local bank will need to have its own membership to promote its business. pubby
  15. We've got two winners. the Rev and Ihave2dogs. I hope you folks enjoy the show. I'm going to wait to the morning to post the last question (or two) ... and give some folks from the morning shift a chance to play and win. pubby
  16. But the last question was: What band did he play with (at Cousin's for the Cure?) pubby
  17. The REV PM'd me at 11:16 with the correct answer to the first question. I'll give her the time stamp and I've instructed her to post the answer here (as I want folks to answer publicly and first here.) pubby
  18. WIN TICKETS TO RACCOON CREEK THIS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Wendell Hardy of Raccoon Creek dropped by eight tickets to give away for this Friday and Saturday at Raccoon Creek. These are the $25.00 a piece adult tickets that are good for both days. If no one else tries to win, we'll take plea's for the final two tickets to be given away. Contest ends Thursday evening and ticket pickup is Friday at the PCOM office on the Square. Winners of a pair of tickets are: The Rev and Ihave2dogs and Weatherboy. Come get your tickets. We'll be here this evening until 6:30 or so
  19. We'll have a little giveaway as well. Check the front here soon for a triva contest. pubby
  20. JLH: Rumors have been part of the landscape for decades. At least now when they surface they can be batted down. That said, there is a story in the news that brings out some bad news ... some folks will be paying more taxes ... and the tax rate will go up. but the mandated services such as sheriff are not being severely cut. The belt will be tightened but severely cut, no. The last time I looked (they've got a new proposed budget on the county web site ) the SO was looking at a cut of about $200,000 ... on a budget in the tens of millions. The county deputies will be
  21. She's alive ... and she walks on the moon! pubby
  22. I did a story about this last year ... and it was a really a big deal ... I mean there were close to five thousand people - maybe more - who gathered at Sam's that early August Afternoon to celebrate all the actions that had taken place. Really a great scene with bands, etc. I was impressed. pubby
  23. This piece appeared in the Friday night news. hope folks like it. pubby
  24. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy! good one Chris pubby
  25. Winchester: Actually, the proposed budget has been going through revisions even this week. You need to also remember that the county shed some 21 employees earlier this year. BTW, it was the 'digest' not the budget, that had a shortfall of 300 million. The digest is the gross market valuation of all the property in the county that property taxes are assessed against. pubby
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