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Everything posted by weatherboy

  1. Jack Reacher is a wallnut. The wall- tons. Or another world.
  2. That was great Joe. People like that we can look up to and take lessons about life. Thanks for reminding us how blessed we are.
  3. Now folks I know that we have more nuts than this. Maybe you are a nut and don't know it. Does anyone on here know anyone else that would classify as a nut. All in good fun . Don't want to really hurt anyones feelings.Maybe you are not a full grown nut just an acorn.
  4. Did that Banana split come with nuts? Not counting you two.
  5. I was thinking about that song this morning. Are you saying that you are one?
  6. Johnny Cash sang a song about Ira Hayes. Where would we be today without the great men that lost their lives in that war?
  7. Sounds like your business is[ moving ahead.] Hope you got the punt.
  8. A green four leaf clover cupcake that says luck .
  9. Some people don't like joking. And others can't take a joke. Most people don't get my jokes but I keep on trying anyway. Johnny you are a nut also. You have to be to stay around LPPT.
  10. We need a P.Com Nut club. This club would be just for people that is just nuts. People that are happy and cut up and smile and joke around all of the time. People that look for the good things in life and not the bad. No stick in the mud people that are down all of the time always complaining about every thing . So I nominate LPPT for president and Caped Crusader for vice president. I nominate Pubby for head of the board. If you think that you qualify then add your name to this list and what your job would be. Like JohnBoy could be the treasury because he works with nuts every day. I know that
  11. Beans and cornbread will make a good person out of you.
  12. LPPT it's to early in the morning to be horsing around.
  13. Put a little Bible under the pillow and ask God to let the baby rest good and see what happens.What have you got to lose you said you have tried everything. When my daughter was little she was having bad dreams at night and someone told her to sleep with a Bible under her pillow and she wouldn't have bad dreams anymore. Well she tried it and it worked and when she married she still slept with a Bible under her pillow.So don't knock it untill you have tried it .God Bless.
  14. The way you tell if it's geese when you are looking up and hear a lot of honking it's either geese or you are standing in the middle of the four lane.
  15. What you are seeing here is the Georgia RedHill long neck Crane. Just kidding feelip .
  16. Do you know why when they form the V formation that one line is longer than the other one? It's because there are more cranes in that line. Another sick Joke.
  17. That is just great. Looks like a big baby.
  18. So sorry my friend. The Bible says [suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not] and we do suffer when the lord calls one of the little angels home to him.So Lady Raider wish I could give you and your cousin comfort but there is only one that can do that. But we do send our love and prayers. May God Bless.
  19. My youngest Daughter did the same thing when she was little with a brand new Go kart. She was headed for the woods so all I could do was to run and meet it head on. I wrestled it like a steer and we had the dirt flying and I won. Couldn't just stand still and watch my child die. She was screaming as loud as she could scream. First and last time she ever rode a Go -Kart. Scared me nearly to death. And I did the same thing in a pickup truck going backwards I was standing up on the breaks and didn't help at all. We are getting to old for this.
  20. Don't know if you have thought about this but if your husband used a weedeater or mower around the house it can be caused by that. I have a hole in the siding on the back of my house caused by something that I hit.My son-in- law has holes all around the bottom of his house in the underpening from the weedeater. I would check into that before jumping on the neighbors. Hope this helps.
  21. I was meeting the man on the Motorcycle when I saw him turn over and go rolling down the road. I stopped with everyone else and ran back to him. I took his coat and put it under his face to keep his face off of the road. He had blood coming from his nose and mouth. I talked to him while he was groaning and trying to get up. I ask him what happened . He said I don't even remember having a wreck. He then ask where he was . I hope he wasn't hurt that bad. I think he just hit his nose and mouth on the road.A lady had stopped in front of him after he wrecked but I don't know if she had anything to
  22. I just left Dairy Queen And Miss Jessie just pulled in with her Caddy. I gave her $5.00 so I will give you $5.00 for a Caddy just like hers. You will have to paint it pink. It will be a convertible with very few road miles. Not likes Miss Jessies that has many miles. Just let me know.
  23. You want that caddy bad don't you. You should be able to get it with your looks and that smile SUNSHINE. .
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