Yeah, gotta love the liberal mindset ..... Have y'all figured out that it isn't the damn gun, it's the human operating it. My guns haven't shot or hurt anyone, they can, but they haven't.
Had emergency cancer surgery Nov. 2009, after the surgery my wife was told that I would have had about 24 hours to live. This was not related to lungs, but a tumor had developed. After my hospital stay I have had no desire to smoke.
Proper training and all that goes with it, and not every teacher has to carry. Yes it is sad, however, you gotta do what you gotta do. There is a school district in Texas that does just this, it is a strong deterrent .
The size of the clip or magazine doesn't make any difference when you are facing an unarmed group, you can change a clip in less than a second, you can tape two clips together. It's not the weapon or the clip/magazine that is the problem, it's the individual holding them that's the problem.