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Everything posted by cranemec

  1. Our granddaughter has rolls upon rolls of duct tape. She makes all kinds of stuff with it. Purses, clothing, she even made shoes one time.
  2. Y'all crazy, I liked a lot of the movies youse guys hated.
  3. That list doesn't have Carlton Farms in Rockmart on it. We need to take the grand kidlets again.
  4. And you're looking to get a new iPhone. Stupid is as stupid does.
  5. SPEED QUEEN!! As soon as our peter out and they will, we are buying Speed Queen.
  6. I think he broke my trucking nose! He did break my trucking nose!
  7. A bottle of RC Cola and a pack of Lance peanuts.
  8. Perhaps one of the ugliest actors ever. But Richard Kiel was good in the roles he played. RIP http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2014/09/10/richard-kiel-dead-jaws-from-james-bond-movies-was-74/?intcmp=features
  9. I ain't sayin she a gold digger but she WASN'T messin with a broke...... She probably is now though and she's pissed.
  10. I said the same thing for 42 years. Then Blondie talked me into trying Sushi in Vegas. I LOVE sushi now. Nigiri and Sashimi are my favorites.
  11. Not a fan of lamb. Tried it many different ways and it just does not appeal to me. I don't eat guts.....At all Oysters, again, tried many different ways, do not appeal to me. Duck or Goose is the same way for me. Tried it, does not suit my palette. Of course I have only ever tried wild duck or goose that my father killed. Maybe farmed would have a different flavor and would appeal to me. Pretty much everything else on your list is open season, bring it on!
  12. Liberals. It really is a mental disorder.
  13. Hope his execution goes horribly wrong and he suffers greatly.
  14. http://www.tmz.com/2014/09/04/joan-rivers-dead-dies-throat-surgery/ RIP
  15. Don't know about the river cruises, but on the canal cruise we were on they had a bus that followed everywhere the ship went. The small crew of 5 would use the bus to head out into the towns to buy fresh local foods for the chef to prepare. We would pull into a port every day and they would take us somewhere. We visited museums. We went to Monet's Garden. We had a private tour of a winery that had been in the same family for 18 generations. We toured Marc Chagall's home and private museum. There were things to go to every day or we could stay in town and explore on our own. The ship we were
  16. My first experience on the Autobahn was on the A3 out of Wurzburg. I had just picked up a rental Mercedes. A Mercedes! One would think a car like that would be MADE for the Autobahn! One forget's the the Mercedes to the Germans is like a Chevy Cavalier to the US. That heap didn't have enough power to get out of it's own way. I was doing at least 180 kph and getting passed like I was sitting still! Also remember when traveling through the countryside of Europe, most places SHUT DOWN after lunch and don't reopen until 4 or 5. You better get lunch when lunch is being served or you will be wa
  17. Most commercial jets, especially empty ones can make it across the Atlantic. It's only 3000 miles give or take. The smallest Boeing 737 has a max range of 3700 miles give or take. No where have I read what make and model of aircraft was stolen. Ok, found the info here. http://freebeacon.com/national-security/missing-libyan-jetliners-raise-fears-of-suicide-airliner-attacks-on-911/ Out of the 11 planes stolen, 7 of them are Airbus 320's max range 3300+/- nautical miles, more than enough to reach any city east of the Mississippi and one Airbus 330 max range 5500+/- nautical miles. So
  18. In 1999 you did not have to have any special permit to rent a car, my Us drivers license was all I needed. Love the trains in Europe! We rode the train from Munich to Paris on our trip. It was a 10 hour ride. We had a private sleeper car with 2 beds. Our kids were 7 and 10 at the time and we wanted them to be able to rest for the long train trip. On a side not, when I was in the Army in the mid 80's, I was stationed in Germany. When I arrived in country, the Deutsche Bahn (DB) had a Pink Elephant pass. It cost around $300 but it allowed unlimited travel anywhere the DB went. Any weeken
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