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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. See, now me, I would be totally freaked out and on my guard big time. Be safe.
  2. Wow! It's funny I see lots and lots of these type of posts from you but I never see you explain why you hold this opinion. Therefore, is it party only?
  3. But see when you try to speak to the parents then you run the chance of them saying you have no right to tell me how to parent and I'm just not into getting into a brawl over it. My choice would be let management handle it, it's not my problem, it's theirs.
  4. My impression is that some parents think that once they bring a child out in public somehow it is no longer their responsibility to care for their children. Somehow, it is now the publics responsibility. Running children in a restaurant? Either the parents or the management steps in or I leave.
  5. Back about 10,000 years ago I dated a fellow who was a member of the electricians union, he got his education through them. It was no cake walk...not at all.
  6. Does anyone know if Mr. Sparky is union?
  7. As the song goes: WE ARE WOMEN, HEAR US ROAR! And, over time we do it together. Ain't life grand? :D
  8. Instead of locking yourself away from the torture why not take her to the movies? To me, this is an age where father daughter relationships are formed. Give her some love dude....she'll never forget it.
  9. She's a pretty baby. Congrats JJ!
  10. Mexican food tastes all the same to me. The only exception was a place in Atlantic Station called Rosa .........something. Really, really good. Not cheap but a far cry from a taco.
  11. I loved overboard too. Kinda funny, silly and far fetched but I've always enjoyed it. Beside Kurt rocked!
  12. You can always try "the frog" at the Georgian. It's one of hubs favorites.
  13. Good to see you are home. Best of luck.
  14. If you don't think I've thought of doing this........... LOL
  15. That's what I thought. I feel for his sad existence but at the same time, maybe he is in a better place than his hell on earth. Sad, bet it happens more than we know.
  16. Shawshank Redemption Pretty Woman My Consin Vinny Sweet Home Alabama The Help Goodfellas There's more, just can't think of them right how.
  17. rockysmom


    I have a whole lot of nada planned.
  18. Andrea? Anyone know what channel on direct tv?
  19. Me too! Thanks for the smile Johnny.
  20. Do you think it's a remembrance for people that died there?
  21. Sorry, I have no idea what you are looking at. The picture looks like mushrooms to me.
  22. Well, Hemy isn't exactly George Clooney. To look at any of these people, who would have thunk?
  23. That is not the role of a father, it is the role of a mother. And no, she does not want you to have anything to do with it.
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