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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. So....whenever someone calls me a name and likewise whenever I call someone a name I should report it? Mods.....you gonna be real busy. All kidding aside, I just thought there just was very limited moderation. For whatever reason.
  2. I met Garden Girl and she seemed nice enough but I really have to agree with you TJB. I really don't enjoy taking sides on the board but GG, you were over the top with your posts. Live and let live....
  3. I am sure you are beyond worried. I hope your dog comes home.
  4. I hear you. I've rode, and come off of, all kind of horses, water skied, snow skied, etc, etc. and I have NEVER busted my butt like I have on that hardwood floor....roller skating. Platter sized bruises.
  5. I've never seen you be rude NY Gal. Now me? Well, sometimes you are just pushed....just enough. Anyway, I wish you only the best in your future. How come we have never met? I mean, us being fellow Yankees and all.
  6. So, what you are saying is if your kid killed 20 plus kids and adults, you would be willing to take an interview a little more than a month after it happened? I believe, if I had the money, which they appear to have, NOBODY would ever see me again.
  7. I did a search on that krokodil stuff. Yea, that stuff sounds like a real party! You would have to be stupid. Other than falling asleep in your bowl of soup, I don't remember anything back in the day that had effects like rotting your flesh off your bones.
  8. Surepip, I'm here to say that your food is just such a treat! Really. Yum, yum.
  9. Hey now Low....don't you be using youse. Youse know?
  10. I have no opinion on this issue but I have to admit, it's kind of fun watching folks judge one another.
  11. Wow! Both of you looked great! Now, THAT'S a night to remember!
  12. How can I find out about a meeting that covers this issue so I have a little lead time? I would plan to come if I'd known about it a little earlier. I'm not complaining, just asking. I hope you have a great turn out.
  13. Yes. Thank you Dana. That was the perfect video! Thanks.
  14. If the mods want to move this Subby, I have no problem. I was just trying to show support for my COUNTRY. So, if that is political by it's very nature then so be it. Rude. Really. However, I'll leave that alone. Mods, move the thread if need be.
  15. Good. I'm glad you are out....because you have no point.
  16. If you are hell bent on being a schmuck, open your own thread. Anyone, ANYONE, can read my first post and realize it was not about party lines. It's about Country, it's also about prayers for our leaders for guidance.
  17. Again, Guard Dad, this thread is not about personal politics. It's about support for OUR country. Just say a prayer.
  18. This thread is not about love of party or love of being the Teflon man. I don't care what your politics are, this is a day to say a prayer for our leaders for guidence and to say God Bless America. It's really not about anybody's politics.
  19. Come on people...show your support for your country. Put your party to the side.
  20. I've only been a contract employee once....I got paid at least twice, hourly, what I got paid for working for a corporation. No kidding.
  21. Thanks! I've made note. Seems like I always need backup anymore. Thanks again.
  22. You know where your loyalty should lie. Go with it.
  23. Thank you Freelip. I agree. We have got to start by letting our elected officials know we want them to get to work....get to work on working together to find a middle ground that works.
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