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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Jim Carrey has come out in favor of gun control so it's expected that he get a bashing.
  2. Thanks guys. I REALLY appreicate your help. Dr. Coker called me back and it's all taken care of.
  3. Her husband Mike was the one I called and waiting to hear back from.
  4. Well, he's retired from large animals.
  5. I thought he was teaching in Alabama. I'll go ahead and call them to see if I can get in touch with him. Thanks Doll.
  6. Well, two phone calls to vets I've used in the past and one is no longer in business and the other has not returned the call. NOT an crisis, just need some names so I can call and have them come out. TIA
  7. ala Georgia Carlin. Good luck relocating a bunch of your "stuff.".
  8. Just an FYI, Michael's is crazy, stupid expensive as to their framing.
  9. Of course you are very welcome to your opinion. The reason I do not agree with you is because Boeing says nothing about Obamacare, administration policies, fuel prices or taxes as the reason for the layoffs. They are back ordered for seven years. Sounds like they are OK to me.
  10. Of course...... If we could get back on topic, point being that the Boeing layoffs really had nothing to do with any kind of financial anything and happened as a course of business.
  11. Yup. I know Anyway, yes they had a heck of a burger.
  12. Since you were not the originator of the comment, I was not referring to you, so you can relax.
  13. Like I care. Btw, the originator of that statement ended up apologizing. Ugh...I hate the Internet.
  14. This that the place with the famous jukebox? I thought that was Carries. No?
  15. No, can't be cause evidently Mr Dis. holds that position.
  16. First quote. Wrong. No economic reason. Boeing is doing fine. They stopped production and maintenance on a couple of planes. Second quote. No one said anything was unicorns and flowers. EVER. Read the links I posted, no mention from Boeing about financial jack. You really need to work on your tone Mr. Dis. It really doesn't invite cordial conversation. I hope THAT concept is not too difficult for you to understand. Understand?
  17. If you work for Boeing and don't plan for a possible lay off, you aren't listening real well.
  18. Boeing doesn't seem very worried at all. http://www.nwpr.org/post/boeing-machinists-optimistic-despite-layoffs
  19. Boeing goes through rounds of layoffs as a matter of course. Pick a year that you thought the economy was doing well then search to find out if they had layoffs at Boeing, bet you they did.
  20. Boeing laying off? No! Say it isnt so! Do a search on the history of layoffs within this company...........pages and pages. Nothing unusual. Now, if they didn't lay off, THAT would be out of the ordinary.
  21. I kinda like the one in Douglasville. Every once in a while. It's clean and you see people cleaning up everywhere. Their fried chicken is pretty good and you have a wide selection from salad, soup, meats, greens, etc, etc. Never is a value for me cause I just don't eat that much in a meal. But it's OK.
  22. ButterflyLion, tell you what, I'll let you know how the keys go. Hawaii is very expensive and very beautiful but it seemed to me that the natives don't like white people because of resentment and it's over run with foreigners. REALLY EXPENSIVE, So you might want to focus on Florida possibilities.
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