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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. When the heck was Obama's license revoked? More info please.
  2. I fixed it in my original post. Also, I agree about getting back on topic.
  3. Actually it's no. An educated woman does NOT use this method as a birth control method.
  4. So, you think that a woman who has her act together, educated and makes a good living is the main client at these clinics? Gee, those women, that I know are trying to have a baby.
  5. I love the dinner salad at Longhorn. The chopped salad at Teds (not in paulding) is very good as well.
  6. As far as "Uncle Bubbas" I read that he owns 49% and she owns 51%.
  7. You are "so worried just to even go grocery shopping?" Why?
  8. To answer your question, no he is not dead. He is on life support.
  9. I was never a great big fan of Paula's but I think she's been punished enough. Any of my future purchases of her products will not be affected by this brouhaha.
  10. Guess so. Hell, I have a hard time pulling off a scab.
  11. The only reason I posted it was cause I thought it was funny. I mean how does that happen?
  12. I have a joke concerning a hand....buts it's just a bit too much. Know what I mean?
  13. Sympathy? I'm too busy wondering how the heck this happened.
  14. I thought the same thing. From what I remember reading about mushrooms, it made you want to skip through meadows of wild flowers, not rip your body parts off.
  15. Unbelievable! http://www.wsbtv.com/news/news/national/yikes-ohio-man-rips-off-own-penis-while-high-on-dr/nYWc8/?ref=cbTopWidget
  16. I'm watching the news, they said nothing about 3 black males. Where did you hear that?
  17. I watch the news every night and never heard about it. I don't understand how it could be passed. Bet it doesn't.
  18. I looked again and found the article in The Post and your are right....it's stupid.
  19. Really? Where did you hear that? I'm curious to read about that. Got a link?
  20. I understand that it started with a case of a female same sex couple and one of the elderly mates passing. The surviving partner was presented with a 800,000+- tax bill which would not have been due if they had been a heterosexual couple. Good for her. Her actions made history.
  21. I agree with you. At the same time I have to wonder if all this government assistance is available, why is she begging on the street? Scam? Ignorance?
  22. Yup, me too.....and Lassie.
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