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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Nah, I don't know if you are wonderful. However, I think you are a pretty good "goodwill ambassador" through. I, for one appreciate your efforts.
  2. Ya know, sometimes I am simply AMAZED at my self control.
  3. OK, I'm game. Post a picture of yourself.
  4. :good: :good: And I agree about Low! She became my hero for the day last night.
  5. I hope he goes far, far, far away.
  6. Sure there are. Zimmermans attorneys. They are the only winners as far as I can see.
  7. rockysmom


    Welcome back DR! You have my full sympathy both for your box hell and for having to deal with the rude people on this site.
  8. If I had one of these in my family I would think about doing the following: Reporting them Telling the elders in the family to put pressure on them to do the right thing Shut up about it. If they don't get the assistance they may very well turn to their family and then, if you care, it would come out of your actual pocket instead of coming out of you pocket and my pocket via government assistance. Thank God I don't have any lowlife cheaters in my family. That I know about anyway.
  9. I don't care. There is something to be said about doing the right thing. Here is some information as to reporting them. http://www.ehow.com/how_6562675_do-food-stamp-fraud-georgia_.html
  10. Let them know what she is doing in writing. Keep getting them know what she is doing.....in writing. Request an investagation be done.....in writing.
  11. Instead of attacking him why not attack the actual culprits by reporting this abuse?
  12. Well, according to the article nail polish does help, there are just better options.
  13. All I've ever heard was that they burrow, turns out you are right. There is also a cream called chigger rid which helps a lot. Here's some confirmation that they don't burrow. http://animal.discovery.com/arachnids/question488.htm
  14. So. Do you want me to leave? Some would think it was funny....I didn't. I guess I'll be drawn and quartered now?
  15. I cannot imagine having to see the details. Truly. I think of his victim often. That was a nightmare.
  16. You should try being funny.
  17. Hummmm. I looked at the photo again. You tell her HW and M.
  18. 4-5 days? That's a cakewalk. Mine lasted a lot longer. A lot longer.
  19. Sorry, it still ahhhh hell no! :shivers:
  20. So....chiggers now have a politically correct name? How does your mind work?
  21. Yup, I did that too once they bloomed. I remember one summer evening when I took my bath.....I had CRAZY chigger bites all over any place that I had sweated. It was miserable. Took a month to get it to calm down.
  22. I don't know about that "dark meat" stuff. I'm blond and fair and they made my life miserable for many years in a row. I mean freaking miserable. Have I said how much I really, really, really hate chiggers?
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