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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Have you read Gone Girl? If not, it's pretty good.
  2. "We all know how you play the game" :rofl: I play no "game" EVER. As noted in the past you make no sense. Your posts in this thread proves to be no exception. :wacko:
  3. I'm not sure I understand why a company feels the need to disclose how they stand on social issues. They are in business to sell a product so why are they grandstanding?
  4. Wnd is considered an extremely biased outfit. I pick fact checker over this hogwash. Here's some more info. on this website. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WorldNetDaily
  5. No, never called you stupid. YOU said he got "hosed" by an increase of 253 and I didn't think that that amount was a "hosing" that's all. You totally went off and told me to butt out. I'll post anything, in any thread that I want to. YOU have no control over as to my postings just like I have no control over your postings. See, that's how that works. You have a totally blessed day.
  6. I can't look at the video cause......it's a iPad thang. But from what I know, men do parallel bars and women do uneven parallel bars. So was it a man doing the unevens? If so, chances are he speaks in a very, very high pitched voice now. From what I remember, any of the bar routines will guarantee ...... your crotch takes a beating.
  7. Doesn't matter. I'm out of this conversation. As usual, it's gotten to be a bitch slap.
  8. Hold up. You are calling me out for not knowing the facts when you made the post that I responding to without knowing the facts? Really? I was responding to your post, so I would suggest you not post without knowing the facts as well.
  9. Boy, I really wish you would get better with that keyboard thing. This is not a private conversation between you and your universe. I will respond to ANY post I want to.
  10. Hun, you are scaring me now. ETA who has been drinking the kook aid? Here, educate yourself. Oops. Was so blown away with your response I put up the wrong link. Here is the correct one. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_federal_government_credit-rating_downgrade#Governance_and_policy-making_stability
  11. His cost increased 253 for coverage for 4 people and he got hosed? Really? Gee, I wonder if there are any preexisting conditions in his coverage. Like mental illness?
  12. The Republican Party just like the Catholic Church needs to focus on the reality of the fact that in certain areas of this country they make sense to their fellow citizens. On the grand scale of nationwide opinion, they look like a bunch of extremist idiots. Republicans.....fix your party! http://www.policymic.com/articles/49685/just-39-of-americans-approve-of-the-gop--
  13. Yup. Who needs a healthy stock market or a stable credit rating?
  14. I'm glad you posted it too. Thank you. I do appreciate it. Now, let's get back on topic.......
  15. I guess so Dana. It really doesn't matter anyway. I lost my temper and started the name calling thing as well. I've since calmed down and realized that none of this matters in the big picture. Because the personal attacks happen in almost every thread I'm involved in, I've put the poster on ignore and that's where she will stay. I'm tired of the off topic postings that turn the thread into a personal attack which bring my character into question. I'm good with who I am and that's all that matters to me. I know I have done nothing to these people except disagree with them. Many times
  16. Yeah, about the same kind of rhetoric that goes on about people who aren't rolling in money but aren't struggling huh? And the band played on...........
  17. You sure about that? http://www.factcheck.org/2009/10/the-obama-phone/
  18. Everyone is only limited to what limits they set for themselves. No. You're not the jealous bitch I was referring to. I wish you nothing but good luck. It's really tough to get a decent job in this area.
  19. Actually Laurie what I was trying to say is that you should never feel like you're stuck. In anything. If you can't find a job close to where you live than move. Do whatever you have to do so that you can live the life you want to live. Life is way too short to feel stuck. I think that folks took my posts as bragging, they were not meant like that at all. It was meant more along the lines that if I could do it, anyone could. Oh, and that jealous bitch will be ignored from here on out.
  20. Oh, that's right, I forgot who I was dealing with. You know freaking everything about everything! And based on your posts, you must know thousands of people too.
  21. You have no clue who I really am. None whatsoever.
  22. YOU saying I am judgement is laughable. Really. Father dead at 7 and mother dead at 17 has given me lots of experience of the true hardships of life. Sorry, no silver spoon or lucky sperm club member here.
  23. Listen, if you don't have enough sense to know that you are in a dead end job and will continue to work your butt off without much benefit then really, I don't know what to tell you. My comment was a general comment which was not directed towards anyone in particular so do me a favor and reserve the resolve it takes to attack me and put it towards finding a path that will let you live the life you want. Sorry, I'm just OVER people having the mindset that they are stuck. You are NEVER stuck.
  24. Then get your sheeze together and improve your life. Not my fault or frankly my concern. I've always had a job with insurance because I'm a valuable employee. Know how that happened? I worked my butt off.
  25. Yes it is a GREAT country. I've always been insured either through my job or my husbands job. I have always paid the health insurance premiums. I hear about people abusing the ER by using it like a doctors office. Why have I had to pay for all these years when so many use healthcare in a irresponsible way and yet don't ever paid a dime?
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