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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Ask how many people here have seen the ocean or sea or gulf?
  2. Low, I'm not sure that the key to butterflying a turkey isn't the word boneless. Are turkey breast all boneless? I've never made just the breast so I'm really not sure. ETA, besides, I want the skin on.
  3. Low, I appreciate the information but that's not a no thanks, that a hell no, but thanks. I'll tell you this much through, I did the Martha thing one year. Best whole turkey I've ever made.
  4. Do either of you have a comment on the subject at hand? I mean other than what you posted.
  5. So you want to discredit the link source. That's fine. Let me ask someone who protests the Paulding airport but would not have a problem with a portion of the Keystone pipeline running through their property. That would be you.
  6. Here is unbiased information on the risks as to environmental impact. If any of the risks were in your backyard, would you be for it? http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environmental_risks_of_the_Keystone_XL_pipeline#Environmental_issues
  7. I think the frozen issue is the key here. They evidently don't have fresh turkey. Called whole foods on Roswell rd., they will butterfly a fresh breast upon request. Will I pay more? Yup. But it doesn't appear I have another option. And for those who say do it yourself, no, that will not work. I don't feel good about serving a mangled mess of a turkey breast on thanksgiving day.
  8. I would rather see the money and resources pointed at a cleaner, self sustainable, energy source. I know I'm spitting in the wind because some of you would rather focus on oil.
  9. Why do you have to go there? I have questions.
  10. The question concerning benzene is not found on your link. http://keystone-xl.com/does-the-oil-to-be-shipped-on-keystone-xl-contain-benzene-what-chemicals-are-added/%C2%A0 If you folks don't care about the environmental impact that's fine. I have questions about the by products created to refine this fuel.
  11. Sand tar is a filthy source and I don't agree with transporting it over our country. Until I find out where it is going to be refined and what is going to happen to all the by products of this filthy fuel my opinion will remain unchanged. The fact that you are not questioning this is sad.
  12. I agree with you as to the Alaska Pipeline but I have to ask if that pipeline is used to move sand tar?
  13. So.....I'm cooking for Thanksgiving. I call the Kroger at 61/278 and I ask if I can order a butterflied turkey breast, about 4 pounds. The response? No, they don't do that. Hmmmmm, somehow I thought they would have BUTCHERS in their meat department! Silly me. I'll find a fresh butterflied turkey breast somewhere else but I'm steamed!
  14. I like Mike Rowe too. The fellow that spoke like that in this circumstance was out of line. IMHO of course.
  15. Stradial, you throw enough money at anything. It goes away. Come on, you know that.
  16. I agree it is a shame and I hate that this story has come to the forefront. However, I do believe that there were times he sexually assaulted women. I have very little doubt of that. There's just too many stories.
  17. Talk to your doctor and/or his nurses. Let us know how it goes. Good luck.
  18. Either one of the "personal urns" would freak me the heck out. No way, no how, never, ever.
  19. Thanks heavens there are parents that see a bump in the road for their kids and recognize it and care enough to do something about it. Really.
  20. Isn't it fun? The little facts that you are suddenly inform of once you have a problem?
  21. Well, the fact that China, with all of their environmental issues can have it. It's a filthy dirty product that takes way to much processing (what's to be done with the by products from the processing?.) The environmental impact is a big issue with this issue. Of course, it's not in our backyards so what do we care, right?
  22. What could they be wrong for in this issue? They will be surrounded by a pipeline but they don't want it on THEIR property. I see nothing wrong with them not wanting SAND TAR going through their land. Perhaps your reaction is just a knee jerk reaction so you can feel you are further supporting the Republican Party?
  23. I've got one but it's a connected desk and chair. Just like when we were kids. Let me know if you want to come out and look. I'll take 5.00 for it.
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