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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. I don't care what people have to say about Wynonna......her voice is a gift from the Gods. I adore her voice. To me she is one of the greats.
  2. No. But I saw a truck on I20 today that said "stump jumper" does that help?
  3. Isn't that the truth! Family drama going on right now and I'm just sad they couldn't have some wholesome fun today.
  4. Hun......no one can.....they're dead.
  5. I wish my nephews were here.
  6. Thank you for taking this little dog in and keeping him/her safe.
  7. Exactly. If you are not pro active with your healthcare you're lost. The doctor has tried to get me on statins as well. I said no too.
  8. This is my guess, kickbacks are negotiated at the management level and are not discussed. They have fancy lunches while they deal with the cut. The doctors have lobbyists and of course, the pharma companies have lobbists. Where does that leave us?
  9. Yup. Take this and go away.
  10. 40 years ago, folks somehow thought it was a good time to be a stumbling, slurring, put your face in your food kind of idiot. Never appealed to me as a good time.
  11. Glad to hear that Doll. I'm really glad you are not a pain pill junkie. But this exchange does not negate the rise of pain pills, prescribed by doctors. I guess every person, no matter how educated, is a whore huh?
  12. I don't get along with pain meds. thank heavens. They just make me puke. Every.time.
  13. I really can't think anything other than the OP is just trying to do the right thing and help their neighbors out.
  14. You are presenting a lessor of two evils NJ. How's that going to work?
  15. I hate that it happened. Truly. I had hay stolen from me one time..........felt totally violated . You wouldn't think so, but good hay costs $$$$$$$$. Can't imagine what I would feel like if they were in my house.
  16. I just really don't think that is the true doctors role. Doctors are held to a higher standard than drug dealers. Are they drug dealers?
  17. Look and think about people you know who have a supply of everything from antibiotics to heavy duty pain killers.
  18. There just has to be kickbacks. The perscription drug problem has grown to the point that someone HAS to be making money. I would think it would be the originating point. The doctor. No?
  19. Pigs. Sorry, loser pig. I have to ask, how did he know it was those two?
  20. It's on a product that's costing the system a lot of money. A lot of money. You were wrong. Maybe if you admit it for the first time it will become easier for you.
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