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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. That is a great photo. Thanks Sir. I had a really scary day and I needed that!
  2. I saw her on the news recently. If I lost any, never mind three of my children, I would be out of my mind. She didn't look like she had recently lost three of her children.
  3. Talk to a couple of members around here first. Dismal.
  4. I hear you. I live with 3, no 4 blisters myself. Two canine, one feline and one human.
  5. So, dear, how many pigs have you blown up?
  6. I looked it up. Seems like the mentality that uses this stuff likes to blow up barns and pigs. Nice!
  7. Didn't someone suggest using those balloons for fireworks? Are you kidding? LOOK at the damage!
  8. So, I guess you brought hard feelings off the board into real life. DR is right, APR is above this sort of thing. Tacky.
  9. That was a fairytale. I mean does that even make sense?
  10. Oh wait! You mean THE Ohio State Buckeyes? My husband is doing the happy dance!
  11. I don't think it would take deep pockets with this political scenerio we have around here these days. I have no doubt that the local developers have pushed the envelope for many, many years now. Enough people hearing the same old noise about the same old areas, sooner or later will take it to heart and follow through. Farmer Brown still has a voice.......it's just too expensive to let it be heard.
  12. Come on NJ, I am not attacking. Your somewhat outrageous claims are just biting you in the butt. I'm sorry if you saw that as an attack. I certainly was not in attack mode, I was in I disagree mode.
  13. Truth? Based on what? Your agenda? Hey have at it NJ. No one is looking to stop you from posting your feelings. You are not being oppressed.
  14. Stop pretending that you are outraged.......you are just trying to argue with me. Show your outrage by contacting the media that offended you. I had nothing to do with their decision to blur out the cartoon pictures.
  15. I wouldn't call our country weak. Not.at.all. The weak are the ones who take these fairy tales as truth.
  16. So, write a letter to them telling them how you feel. It has nothing to do with our government.
  17. Could not agree more. As a matter of fact on the news reports from Paris yesterday, it was reported that the terrorists plan was to bring fear and terror to the people. Made me think of all the doomsday reports continually being posted on this site by the extreme right.
  18. So what are you saying? Do you think the government should go in and tell the business owners that the decisions they made are wrong and demand that they show the pictures?
  19. Some people don't even know how some of these websites should be viewed. http://www.snopes.com/politics/satire/sharia.asp
  20. In my opinion some of you folks aren't just nutty......you're the whole bag of nuts. I forgot that you think that Obama is actually a planted Muslim whose real goal is to take over and destroy our country to clear the way for even more Muslims. I applaud the French for standing up to this terrorism, I just don't see how, by them standing up, we look weak.
  21. So, I guess you feel that you can just throw out a comment like the French are making us look weak and not back it up with ANY kind of reasoning why..... And that is exactly why you are not to be trusted. About anything. That comment really just pissed me off.
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