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Everything posted by rdboyd88

  1. I'm getting to the point where I'm having trouble with my son's homework. I guess that I'm dumber than a 5th grader. I was taught in math about Please My dear Aunt Sally (parenethesis, mutiplication, division, addition, subtraction) but his math problem introduced 2 different types of brackets also. Here is the problem: 50 + { 32 ÷ [ (7 x 2) - (2 x 5) ] Is the { a typo because it seems that it would have to end with a } ? Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
  2. Take a look at Clark Howard's website. He has some legitimate ones listed. http://www.clarkhoward.com/news/clark-howard/employment-military/work-home-guide/nFZH/?__federated=1
  3. I was told by a mechanic that you can run diesel fuel in the motor to clear up a sludge problem. He said that it breaks down the sludge after it runs for a few minutes. Then just drain the diesel fuel and the broken down sludge from the oil pan. My concern is getting sludge stuck in the oil pick up tube. Has anybody tried this before? Seems a little risky to me. I have sludge in a truck that sat for 3 years.
  4. I can't give you a detailed response right now. I'm digging out my bomb shelter. I'll get back with you later on this.
  5. Just curious. How could it be both a private corporation and government? Why would it be a private corporation and government? Link http://www.frbsf.org/education/publications/doctor-econ/2003/september/private-public-corporation
  6. I just thought it was good entertainment. I had a neighbor tell me about it and he is all worried. I heard that if it's on the internet that it's true! Maybe there will be a blood moon on July 1st also!
  7. Is the sky gonna fall or is this just a bunch of hype? Just curious what everybody thinks. Seems like everybody is predicting the end of the world these days. link http://www.sott.net/article/279650-Write-down-this-date-July-1st-2014-End-of-America
  8. I guess my basement must be dryer (drier) land now because they are everywhere! I was thinking that since the weather predictions said we would have rain everyday that I wouldn't have to worry about them since my basement leaks but we haven't had hardly any rain so they are everywhere. I just love the crunch sound when I step on them.
  9. What happens if the dog decides to chase a cat on his walk? They might also have to redefine the leash law as to who or what can be on the other end of the leash (drones and or humans).
  10. I know. They are showcasing their creations on the last day to the parents. I thought it sounded cool too. I got him signed up to start tomorrow.
  11. This 4 day camp starts tomorrow from 8am to 4pm and I was wondering if anyone here has had their child attend Camp Invention before? It's for 1st thru 6th grades. Here is a pdf link - http://www.paulding.k12.ga.us/userfiles/2/my%20files/announcements/camp%20invention%20flyer.pdf?id=511272 They are also having a robotics camp with legos on June 16th-20th. Just trying to keep my son entertained this summer.
  12. How about Apple's patent on having rounded corners on their iPhones? My kitchen table has the same shape rounded corners too. I hope Apple doesn't take my furniture company to court.
  13. Thanks Rookie. I remember passing that place. I guess I waited too late to do this because after you decorate your piece it has to be put in a kiln and picked up a few days later. I noticed it on yourfiredcreations.com too. I wonder if you can just paint them and not have it put in the kiln? I know it would not be glossy but it would still probably look good since it was done by the kids. My wife is not into flowers because they die. She has so much jewelry from the kids already so forget that. She likes personal things from the kids the best.
  14. Thanks Lucky64. I'm gonna check that one out. This is my easy way out for Mothers Day. Thanks dogsrule. I found the groupon and I will be checking it out as well. Hey SD&N. Everything is great. We usually go to Michael's but I like the fact that I don't have to worry about the kids spilling paint at my house is the main factor for me this time. We are looking for a cheap place to go to the beach for a week this summer. How much for a week at your house? Just kidding. Hope all is well with you and your family.
  15. Looking for one of those stores where kids can go a paint different types of things that they would pick out. Most of the items are usually pottery. Is there one in the Paulding or West Cobb area?
  16. This kid is pretty awesome too. Only 6 years old. http://youtu.be/gcfsrhXP2rg
  17. Miss Piggy and Kermit the Frog
  18. I just hate what they are doing to my back deck and around my windows. Holes everywhere! I sprayed some carpenter bee foam in the holes and caulked over them. Hopefully this will work. For some reason they seem to like stained wood more than non-stained wood.
  19. It's that time of year again for carpenter bees. Hopefully Surepip is still making traps. I guess the next couple of weekends will be dedicated to playing tennis with them.
  20. My Dad's credit card information got stolen at a steakhouse in Hiram about 2 years ago. It was a brand new card and had never been used. The waitress took the card away to pay the bill and she was gone for at least 5 minutes or so. She brought the card back and he signed the bill and we left. The next day my Dad's card had over three hundred dollars of charges from a gaming website. My Dad called the manager at the restaurant and he took care of it. You never know what is happening once the waiter/waitress takes your card and they are out of site. I try to always use cash because of these situ
  21. http://www.djmarkmccain.com/index.html Hands down the best! He use to be a DJ for 96 Rock back in the day. He really gets the crowd involved too!
  22. Just curious on anybody's thoughts on either one of these systems since they have been out for a little bit. I know that Microsoft made everyone mad about not being able to buy used games but they over turned that decision. I have heard the PS4 is still better. I have a PS3 and I still love it but the XBOX 360 seemed to be more popular.
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