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Everything posted by rdboyd88

  1. On Flint River Road it was a one lane bridge next to the old bridge where he made the jump. When going across the bridge, when it was your turn, you would look to the side and see the old broken wooden bridge where the jump was made. In the movie they made it out to be on Mundy's Mill Rd but it was about 5 miles from that location.
  2. Smokey and The Bandit was one of my favorite movies of all time. I grew up on the south side and I can tell you where almost every scene was shot (Jonesboro, Fayetteville, Forest Park, Lakewood Fairgrounds, etc.). I was only 7 at the time and remember watching them film one of the scenes where Buford T. Justice was cussing out that cop on the side of the highway in Jonesboro. I'm Gonna miss this guy!
  3. Does anyone here live off of Brooks Rackley Rd off of East Paulding Drive? I go to work via Holland Rd to 92 but the Paulding Road Conditions Facebook page said yesterday that it will be closed. Brooks Rackley is always very bad when snow and ice develop because the road is very hilly and curvy and with the trees along both sides of the road it keeps the sun from hitting the pavement.
  4. Still waiting on power off Brooks Rackley and Easy Paulding. Our subdivision has underground utilities but that doesn't mean anything when the lines feeding it are above ground. A neighbor said he saw 2 Greystone trucks on Brooks Rackley earlier so we are keeping our fingers crossed.
  5. The entire subdivision has power behind me.
  6. Still no power near East Paulding and 92 but the house behind me in another subdivision never lost power. I could throw a rock and hit their house. I just don't understand.
  7. Still no power here near East Paulding High School.
  8. I'm sure y'all remember this show. Kiss my grits!
  9. Oh yes, the Sears Christmas catalog. I would circle almost everything and show it to my Mon and Dad. It was so much fun!
  10. Or camping out for concert tickets at this place before Ticketmaster?
  11. How about Western Auto? My Dad would take me there to buy go-cart tires. I would wear them out in a week!
  12. Isn't it also funny that the Federal Reserve is a private business?
  13. Just got the news. 5 fire trucks on the scene.
  14. I talked to you a while back but I think you might have talked to someone else but I would be happy to help you out.
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