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Posts posted by Superscoot52

  1. I want to be stuffed (after the organs are donated) and left on the couch with remote glued into my hand.


    Ok, I guess that isn't completely realistic, but I do want my organs donated. I think I want to be cremated and have the ashes scattered in the San Gabriel Mountains in SoCal, from a bluff on Catalina Island into the Pacific, and near Mt. Rainier in Washington. Those are 3 of my favorite places in the world.

  2. Has anyone heard any news on the legislation of the new GI Bill? Last I heard was Senator Webb (VA, I believe) was trying to get John McCain to co-sponsor the bill, but he was stalling.


    The new GI Bill would be great for me, as I've only used 2 months of my benefit thus far, and supposedly, the new bill will build in a housing stipend as well. If I had that, I would be able to work part-time, and get school done in half the time. Then I could possibly go back in as a officer! Ok, not sure about that yet, but I would like to keep my options open.

  3. The first 3 houses on the left side of the road (turning onto Ridge from 92) have been for sale (Potential Commercial) for over a year. Living off Ridge Road near the elementary school, I shudder to think what traffic will be like if there is a strip mall put in there.


    Good lord, no joke. The missus, kid, and I drove by there today trying to figure out where commercial stuff would go...there are some old buildings on the NE corner of Ridge and Laird that I assume could be leveled to create new businesses and such, but you are right, the traffic potentially would suck.


    I'm all for progress, but aren't there A LOT of open business spaces in Hiram / Dallas? Why are there being more built? Can you say O-V-E-R-D-E-V-E-L-O-P-M-E-N-T?

  4. Hello all...


    I'm working on my bachelors in public administration, and I'm looking for articles online or in newspapers that discuss any of the topics listed above in the title. I already have the recently newspaper article on the airport, but if there is anything else on the plans for that or any other transportation issues for the county, I would be greatly appreciative.


    I am also needing info on the budgeting process for the county. I've been up to Dallas plenty of times, but I haven't had much time as of late to get up there and investigate. Any leads would be outstanding!


    Thanks in advance!

  5. My wife is looking for something part-time. She is currently a stay at home mom for our 3 year old, and a part-time college student just a handful of classes away from her degree in psychology (online). She is available at any time of day if she can bring the kiddo with her. Beyond that, she is available any time on the weekends free of child.


    She has extensive experience in restaurants as a server, and has also been a wedding coordinator, child care coordinator, and administrative assistant. She has also been an assistant for children's programs for a city parks and recs, and also a coach for the YWCA.


    She could provide child care or tutoring at our home, any time of day.


    Her contact email is honulvr@msn.com, or PM me here.



  6. Disgusting...I am so pissed at these people...and I know that is exactly what they want.


    I know, the 1st amendment and all, but doesn't common sense supercede anything??? Why aren't these a-holes at Gitmo? We can practice water boarding on them!

  7. Well. I've been dying to ask...why is it that pay is soooooo low in Paulding compared to our neighbors?


    I'll back up. I'm no genius, but I can see the economical and societal "reasons", but still! Why aren't there large businesses? What is being done to attract new business?


    This is a fantastic county. I really love it here. There is A LOT of talent in this county that hops grudgingly into their cars to drive to Atlanta, Marietta, and Kennesaw (and beyond!). Why hasn't a major corp. seen the fairly low (lower than Cobb / DeKalb, et all) cost of living and the room to grow and said, "Paulding County is the place to be!". Is it our taxes? The poo pond by Bill Carruth? Help me out. Like I said, I love it here, but the commute is driving me nuts!

  8. With all due respect to SeaShell and her sacrifices, I wouldn't lump Kuwait in with Iraq and the Saudis. During my tour, I found the Kuwaitis to be very respectful and grateful for our actions during the early nineties and today. I visited some of the places where atrocities occurred to the Kuwaiti military members and their families. For example, at the Kuwaiti Naval Base (the Americanized term, I can't recall the proper name in Arabic), the Kuwaiti officers were keel-hauled, and their families raped and mutilated. Actions like that happened all over Kuwait during the Iraqi invasion, and don't forget, we waited I believe the U.S. and our counterparts waited about 4 months or so to begin a land based counter (mostly due to the delay by the Saudis to grant us a starting point for the ground and air forces).


    We have multiple military bases in Kuwait housing thousands of U.S. and coalition forces, and we have shared intelligence with the Kuwaiti government. With Kuwait being so close to Iran geographically, it is important that we have a ground based (rather than aircraft carriers) presence to deter actions by their lunatic president.


    We really need all the friends we can get out there, and it is also important to assist a young (semi) democracy like Kuwait.



  9. I've got the spring fever, I just can't wait to see some games again. Actually, listening to a game is even better. I grew up listening to Vin Scully call games for the Dodgers, and I can't recall not listening intently when that man speaks. I have XM now, and I hope to hear Vin call a few more games from time to time, even though I don't care much for the Dodgers anymore.


    Skip and Chip are pretty good too.


    While on the topic of baseball, what is it like seeing a game up in Rome? My 3 year old loves going to baseball games, and I just can't wait to take her up there sometime soon. I'll also be cool having the former Richmond Braves moving to Gwinnett next year in a brand spanking new ballpark.

  10. Well, I'll tell you why. For example, there was this f'n idiot driver in front of me today and his g*dd**n brake lights apparently didn't work. I screamed to that baby-raping c***s*****g son of a b**** that he needed to get the f*** out of my way.


    Foul language: It helps to emphasize to that driver that I am serious about the concept that he needs to yield to other vehicles.

    F'n hilarious.

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