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Posts posted by Superscoot52

  1. Where are the "best" places to go get a tree?


    I don't care if it is pre-cut, or I get to cut it myself. Or potted. It might be fun to plant our Christmas tree at our "new to us" home.




    Oh, btw, I'm in Hiram. I don't need to drive to Cartersville or elsewhere. Something local!



  2. Hey all, I need a little help. The Cobb Community Transit webpage blows, and I can't figure out how I can get from the Hiram 278 park and ride (or Powder Springs, whatever is on the west side here) to Paces Ferry Rd/Cumberland in Vinings.


    I can drive my good mpg car, but depending on the fare, it might be better to take the bus.


    Help me out...I'd much rather read on the bus + listen to music rather than sit in the car in stop and go traffic.


    Thx in advance.

  3. I am in the South. People think Jews have horns down here.


    If your mother was Jewish, you are Jewish. You cannot be part Jewish. It's in your blood. Your DNA is Jewish if your family traces back to the Hebrews. You are God's chosen; even if you don't believe anymore. Are you a Semite; or are you White? I am Semitic. If I grew a beard people would be afraid to let me on their airplanes.


    No, I am a pale face. In terms of ancestry, I'm equal parts Jewish and Cherokee, a part from each side. The other parts, of which there are many, give me most of my looks, Irish, English, German, French.


    Its obvious that you have had bad experiences from expressing your background with Southerners. I don't think you have horns. Antlers, maybe. But not horns.


    I'm from L.A. Many southerners act like I should know Paris Hilton...

  4. Then you are Jewish. There is no such thing as part Jewish.


    Of course you can be part Jewish. Well, then again it depends on how you define being Jewish. Does the term refer to a people or a religion? Hmmm, I suppose both. But, I'm not a practicing Jew, in terms of religion. I do come from a line of people who considered themselves Jewish. I don't even speak or am able to read Hebrew.


    So, if I am Jewish, I'm not a very good Jew.


    Again, I meant no disrespect. I didn't realize that you are so sensitive on this issue.

  5. I still wanna know why that one guy thinks it's so effing funny that I am Jewish. What - is my nose too big for his liking or something?

    You celebrate Hanukkah. That means you are Jewish. That one guy said something about you and Christmas when you have Jewish everything with your posts.


    Sarcasm, failed.


    I meant no disrespect. I'm part Jewish myself, on my mom's side. I lost a good friend in Iraq who was Jewish, and had to fight to ensure her body has handled correctly according to Jewish law.


    If you want to continue in attack mode, go right ahead. Kiss my part Jewish ass.


    About your nose. I happen to pat Moose nose every time I see one mounted on the wall, usually at a restaurant. So does my daughter. She loves moose.

  6. I would rather see the cops grab a drug sniffing dog or two and head down to each and every high school and middle school in Paulding County and turn our schools drug free. Maybe work a metal detector at each school door as well. Then when they nail the kids with drugs; follow the trail back to the crack dealers and meth dealers with those labs. That's just how I would like to see tax dollars being spent - saving our children from thugs. You have something anti-Semitic you need to get off your chest in less thinly veiled manner? That's what PM is for.


    No, not anti-semitic by any means. You said in a earlier post that you celebrate Chanukah...so I'll try it again. "You're Jewish? Really? LOL!"

  7. Yeah, the E-W Connector speed limit is ridiculously slow. But I don't go more than 7-10 over the limit either. Tickets are damn expensive! I recently used my 5 year nolo contendre for speeding in Kennesaw, so next time, it will bite me more than just the fine.


    I hate speed traps (don't we all!). Like I said in previous posts about similar subjects, it isn't the fault of the cop writing you the ticket (sign it or be tasered!), he/she is just doing their job. It is a problem with philosophy from the top of the department, wasting time that could be put to better use by allowing the officers to sit and wait for their target like the hunter in the deer stand. Targeting speeders should be the last priority. Has Cobb figured out where all their convicted sex offenders are? Thought not. How about preventing gang violence? Yeah, that must only be in Fulton and DeKalb, right?


    Look, I have nothing against cops. I still might apply to be one one day. But I loathe the idea of writing tickets all day and having someone hate me so much just for doing what my supervisors told me to do. I have no problem with cops writings tickets either, just not from speed traps. If they are out on patrol, being visible and a deterrence to criminals, and happen to catch a speeder, then fine.


    I would much rather them pass out tickets to people who block busy intersections and make illegal turns. And catch illegal immigrants. A crime is a crime, right?


    Those is my ideas and I'm sticking to it!

  8. I actually remember the times before cable and I'm not even 40. The original post was for entertainment purposes only. Sorry if you got your knickers twisted over it.

    Damn right. Ageism is degrading, no matter how you play it.


    What if I posted a joke about degrading women? Would you laugh? Yeah, some people would laugh, but it doesn't make it right.

  9. Bull crap.


    Have you ever missed a Thanksgiving while serving overseas? I have. Did you miss your child's first birthday? I did.


    Each generation thinks it is better than the last and the next, but the truth is, the more things change, the more they stay the same.


    Your "generation" should be proud of the opportunities that you helped provide to the next one, instead of belittling them on their supposed "spoiled" tendencies.


    The over 50 crowd thinks that the 30-50 group is spoiled, I guarantee it.

  10. Has there been rain in the Hiram/Ridge Rd.-Waters Rd. area? I am out of town. I soooooooooo hope we get lots of it. It rained on us during our entire drive up to TN last night. We have scattered showers this morning.


    Yep, its been raining. Fairly hard at times.


    I was hoping for some thunder boomers, but either I was really out in dreamland or there wasn't much in this area.

  11. I feel you...I just hate cops sitting and tagging speeders and the like. It is just a way to fill the coffers of the state (I understand not all the money collected goes to the municipality, but goes further up the chain a ways). I have no problems with the cops on patrol catching someone, but just sitting there and waiting seems like a waste of our public funds. I would much rather have them checking on the status of local sex offenders, being visible at schools, coming through all the subdivisions on a regular basis, etc.


    I'm by no means a cop hater, I was (am) good friends with military cops who do their fair share of waiting, but I think the problem is with the philosophy of the higher-ups. These cops that give you the ticket for speeding aren't making a ton of money, and aren't calling any shots. They are just doing their job, just like you do. It isn't fair, but such is life.


    I really wish they would start ticketing people who block 278 in the middle of intersections during rush hour...now there is a job for them to do!

  12. Thats great. Congrats to her and your family.


    I'm jealous.


    What would my life been like if I took the scholarships I was offered, instead of staying close to my girlfriend. We are married now, and we have a great kid, but I still wonder sometimes what life would have been like...

  13. So, to get rid of the scorpions you have to get rid of the spiders. To get of the spiders you have to get rid of the flies. To get rid of the flies, I gotta take out the trash.


    In other words, I'm going to have scorpions!


    JK, I'll take out the trash!

  14. We were out in the front path to my house, enjoying the nice evening, when I noticed a small scorpion crawling across the path. Now, I've heard of brown recluses, cottonmouths, copperheads, and other venomous critters here, but I hadn't heard a thing about scorpions.


    Doesn't bother me, since I grew up near the desert and saw them quite often there and in the foothills, but I am surprised to see a scorpion here.


    Have you seen any?


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