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Everything posted by beautymaker06

  1. people crunching on ice, smacking on food and disgusting people
  2. I don't like we can't get more than 15 hrs right now
  3. I just wanted to say thanks a million times. You know what for. I absolutely am grateful for the help and info you provided me. Your an angel.
  4. Highland Rivers is a low cost MH facility. the website is www.higlandrivershealth.com
  5. She cheers, rides her bike, roller skate, walks around six flags lol She has been growing a lot lately
  6. her knee started hurting in April. i think she may have bursitis bc when she bends down her knee pops and it does it every time and when she stands up her knee hurt. She cant put weight on it or anything since yesterday.
  7. Yes please. Idk how she ended up with fluid on her knee
  8. Dd has fluid on her knee. So pediatrician said we needed to see an orthopedic dr who do y'all recommend
  9. Emerson red top mountain area
  10. I got a female black lab from pcac. She is the sweetest dog ever.
  11. i just dont want them to fight if I get a male should I get one thats at least a yr old?
  12. we are going to go adopt a shelter dog.... I have a 3 yr old male dalmatian what kind should I get as a playmate/companion for him... he has lots and lots of energy and loves to play?
  13. Well we've decided to get a female companion for my rascal. Does anybody know where I can find another Dalmatian or a female that's been fixed?
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