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Everything posted by 3683

  1. I did not see it. But it is beautiful. It represents the promises of God.
  2. Yeah I cried too. This is great. We are still praying for them all.
  3. This is great news. Expecting to hear full recovery soon.
  4. Yes we are glad that we can help more families with more items now. We have has so many ask about pet food, and baby food. As of right now we have plenty to help with. God has opened the door for this to be an ongoing thing.
  5. I tired to talk to ya in a pm...........................but you wont talk back to me.
  6. Yes we do. Sending you a pm.
  7. I pray for peace, comfort, strength, love, joy, wisdom, guidance, and REST on every side.
  8. I sent her a pm. Maybe she will come.
  9. We are happy to announce at the Lighthouse Food pantry we now are able to assist with baby food, formula and diapers when available. We currently have a good variety. We are also able to assist with pet food, again when available, we currently have dog and cat food, some cat litter Not only do we assist with food but with a variety of hosehold items, laundry detergent,soaps, shampoos etc. You will need to be there on fridays just like you are recieving food. we are open from 6:30-8:00 pm on fridays, we have recently seen a large increase in families and it has been taking until ab
  10. Praying she is a sweet, christian lady. Who was one of the first people there when our family was in need a few years ago. When my mama ( Rainbow-Ms. weatherboy) had a stroke, she was one of the first people to show up. She was there and continued through the recovery process. We are praying and believing for her healing.
  11. Well these were regular glasses too. The part that feel off was the piece that goes on your nose. Nothing fancy. but it helps them stay on your face. Without them---they slide off.
  12. Hey do you still tint commercial buildings? Sending you a pm as well.
  13. Well good maybe this will happen. They will just show up. Thanks for the info. Makes me feel better. Knowing they will ( one day) take care of this issue.
  14. 3683

    Fat tax

    Yup that would be me. Cause I like how diet coke taste. That is the ONLY reason I drink it. What is it you have nothing better to do today?????
  15. Well it is a small piece to make such a big deal over. I am just disappointed that I only got to wear them once. I have tried to put another one on, but they are made different and it wont go on. Maybe they will send something. I really like the glasses, and the price. But so disappoted in the customer service part.
  16. Ok I took the advice from p.com got my glasses from Zenni Optical.com. Great glasses. I gave a total of $24.00 for them. I could see great through them. However the next day the nose piece fellow off when I picked them up. And now I have called and left messages. No return call. I have sent emails- nothing. I just tried to call again and guess what the mailbox is full and can not accept anymore messages. So I guess the lady at Sams Optical was right, she said this is great as long as you have no problems with them, then it will be a diffrenet story. So I guess the old saying "you get what you
  17. Yeah that is what I am thinking..................wonder if that would be apart of the maintance on the rent?
  18. as long as the power dont go out.
  19. Yeah and someone said used tin foil, but I bet the people at Baby Janes and out on the highgway would really wish we did not do that. I meant highway.
  20. They are blinds and they are green on one side. They are the vertical hanging/ split blinds????? Not really total space is about 50 foot, that includes a total of 5 rooms. Well if it is 85 today what will it be when the temp outside is 100?????
  21. The place we are renting has 16 foot by 8 foot windows. And we have shades up but the heat from the sun is already making it impossible to stay in these rooms. What can we use to keep the heat out. I think it already has some tint on them. And I fear the summer will be so brutal on us. I had to turn the air on today just to cool it down. And it was already 85 in there.
  22. Who told you what I said? Snitches!
  23. Yeah and they are at the age now-------they are wearing the tooth fairy out. Three of them losing teeth. WOW! And she forgot the other night and got talked about bad........... So she had to go put it inside the pillow case real fast and then she redeemed herself.
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