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Everything posted by AnonyMoose

  1. All of them, or just the extremists? All of them will never kill people - for the most part all of the ones in USA are peaceful.
  2. Question for the experienced lawyers out there - will the person driving, and will the talking head on the microphone that is talking about shimmies vs. wobbles both get named along with the Bus Company when the lawsuit happens after some child gets injured? I'm going with the Bus Company, Paulding County, the driver, and the mechanic on the walkie talkie all getting named in the suit. It's called the shotgun approach - you name everyone and then go for the deepest pockets later. I know what your thinking - gee Moose - how do you know what a lawyer would do. Well; here is how I
  3. Is that the Black lady, about 50 - 60 years of age, with a shopping cart all the time? I once offered her a few hundred dollars because I thought she was homeless; and she got really offended and we had to drive away as she was spooling up to go postal on my family and I. What a nutjob!
  4. Thanks for the sticky on this. Parents need to know if there are predators nearby so they can make good decisions about the kids playing outside or waiting for a bus.
  5. Everyone load up your shotgun and keep an eye out. Let's save on some of our taxes folks.
  6. Much as I hate the gas mileage; this is why I own a Suburban and an Avalanche. Having a monster sized SUV is the only way you will walk away from an accident these days; because being hit by an SUV in a mid size two or four door car is just instant death. If the International CXT came in an 8 seater, I would buy it tomorrow. http://www.internationaldelivers.com/mycxt...tcCampaign=2901
  7. In America; driving is a right, not a previlage. That is why the test is a joke; and why you only test when you are 16 and never again.
  8. Goes well with your drinking problem. The colors don't clash in the least.
  9. I wish people would get rid of their donorcycles and get ATV's and just keep it off the street. A donorcycle cannot win vs. a car.
  10. Pictures would be very uncool as well. So, just to sum this thread up: no pictures, no names.
  11. You are talking me out of having friends. LOL Driving to Alabama to pull drunk buddies out of ditches - I figure that should cease to occur about the time you finish college!
  12. When stuff like that happens; why don't they ever ask for volunteers to head up to the top of the water tower with a 50 BMG?
  13. If it's a female under 90, notify Jaycat and tell him to bring some Trojans and some Miller Lite.
  14. No, no - I mean that the scanner I have (Realistic PRO-41) allows me to progam in 10 channels and it scans through those 10 channels continually. I was just wondering what the 10 most active frequencies I should program in. I am in Florida today so I don't have my scanner in front of me; but I picked one or two Hiram PD frequencies, I think 2 from Paulding County Sheriff, one from Dallas PD, and I forget how I filled in the rest of the 10. I think I did a Fire Dept one too. I know I don't have Clark Ambulance, and I don't have any State or Federal frequencies in there either.
  15. I started with ScanAtlanta and with ScanPaulding. What I mean is, is there anything cool beyond the Paulding Sheriff, Hiram PD, and Dallas PD that I should put in my list of 10? Is Clark Ambulance a good one? What is their #?
  16. Which frequecies are you going with? I have a 10 channel scanner. I picked Hiram PD dispatch, Dallas PD dispatch, Paulding County PD dispatch, Paudling County Fire dispatch.
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