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Caped Crusader

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Everything posted by Caped Crusader

  1. a couple years back I loaned my bad mitten racquets to Surepip. (then he started making those Bee traps)
  2. Going Trout Fishing on a river.... How do you do it????? Been watching Videos as I have never done this.
  3. Welcome to "OUR" Community! If I can ever be of service to you please don't hesitate to pick to ask.
  4. This person http://www.facebook.com/angiewardonline posted it on the facebook fake or real... caught my attention I just tried the video again.... poof it is gone!
  5. I saw this video.... prayers said for the person
  6. I travel a lot of ground in Paulding and will keep my eyes wide open for your friend!
  7. I too would be concerned..... But I have a question, have you introduced yourself and asked him what you would like to know?
  8. Do you remember!?!?!?!? Now... if you have a few minutes... CALL ME!!! (to SAVE $$$ on Your HOME/AUTO Insurance)
  9. Just a reminder... this is a ongoing thing! Please Spread The Word!
  10. Vinnies on Hwy 92 in Hiram next to Bumble Bee Bakery (old Catfish Den) you wish me to catch the fish for you too? {LOL} has crickets as well
  11. I bought some Crunch-N-Munch (Had a Craving) Getting ready to throw it away! It has been SOOOOOOO Long.... I meant to get Fiddle Faddle!!!! :crazy: So.... Fiddle Faddle or Crunch-N-Munch???
  12. If you or someone you know is a Mortgage Broker in Metro Atlanta or the State of Georgia... I need to talk to you! Call me... (PLease)
  13. I Just met a p.commer that I have never met and I must say.... THANK YOU for the donation today!!!!! You are going to put some SPARKLES in some Childrens EYES!!!! (and Tummies!)
  14. If you have had a Nice meal today... know that there are children in our community (PAULDING) that only get a HOT meal at school. Over the weekend they DON'T EAT If you can find it in your :wub: to buy a lil' x-tra when you are shopping with your family... you will change a family/childs life! (no child in our community should go hungry) currently and this a a weekly thing Poole Elementary Backpack Program needs assistance filling 29 Backpacks! Items Needed are non-perishable like... Ramen Noodles easy mac-n-cheese Individual serving size microwaveable food
  15. Have you eaten today? There are some children in our community that only get HOT food at school. please, when you go shopping, buy something X-tra and drop it off at the office!
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