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Everything posted by christinas19

  1. My hubby and brother get up real early on Christmas (around 5) and go stand in line at Waffle House. Has been a tradition for about 6-7 years. No mess to clean up either.
  2. Oh... I got a Chi from my grandparents for Christmas last year and I had it less than a month and it went to heaven also. So I decided to go get the one from Sally's after the lady that cuts my hair said it was great. It straightens my hair better than any other straightner I have ever had. BTW I have really curly hair. It makes it soft and silky. I got my mom and sister one for Christmas this year cause they had them on sale.
  3. You can get the Sally's brand GVP and it works just as great!!
  4. This is my husband's uncle. He is in a much better place. He suffered so much the last few months with this horrible cancer. We will miss you and love you dearly!!
  5. I don't know what yall think is reasonable / very cheap but for a 5 1/2 foot tree they wanted $75! Needless to say we got ours from Home Depot for $30 for a 6-7 foot tree!
  6. We went to Ruby Tuesday's. Today is one of our neices birthday so we treated them. We used (2) B1G1Free Q's. Very good too!
  7. He has been in the fridge since Monday and is still not defrosted, So it says on the package he needs to stay in the cold water for like 4 hours. And the only place that is big enough is the tub, so that is where he is. He will be ok in there right? I don't have to worry about poisioning do I?
  8. Thank you Pensacola! I will be up at 5 cooking my turkey. Currently he resides in the bathtub taking a cold bath!
  9. Does it still produce all the juices to make the gravy with?
  10. If it says 2 1/2 to 3 hours which do you do?
  11. Did anyone use the oven bag to cook your turkey in? Were the cooking times right? For 15 1/2 pounds it says 2 1/2 hours. Anyone know if this is correct? TIA
  12. Ok thanks let me see if I can talk hubby into getting it for me for christmas!
  13. Do you have a pic of the breast cancer purse?
  14. I think Warehouse of Hope is doing the same thing.
  15. How much is the shampoo? Is it good for their skin? I always just use johnson's baby shampoo because my dogs have allergies when it comes to dog shampoo. Thanks for your help!
  16. Well I got my money back!!! They were very nice! Reversed all charges without an issue! Thank you Mr. Dis for the help!
  17. I am going to go to another Regions today and see if they will file a dispute on my behalf. The one that I regularly use and have for many years told me that I had to find the company with no help from them. So hopefully I have MY money back soon!!
  18. Well I just chalked it up as a lesson learned. The MANAGER told me that if it says your check card was used then you authorized. Which one does your wife work at? I would love to go file a dispute and get my money back. I thought it was wrong but with the economy I figured the banks are doing everything they can to charge fees.
  19. Regions bank has gotten so bad with customer service I went and closed mine today. There was a charge on my account that was not authorized and they said I had to go to that company and get them to give me the money back along with the overdraft. Mind you this was a $859 charge from some company named TPM. I have no idea who they are. So needless to say I sucked it up and after my check was direct deposited, I closed the account. I told them I had never heard of a bank telling the customer to get the money back from the company. Why do I use a bank? The customer service is no longer there.
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