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Everything posted by brandywine

  1. This sounds interesting. I am on north 61 would that make it closer to me? I am recovering from a car accident in which my back was injured. This was my doctor's latest suggestion. Most gyms I find are not equipped with indoor swimming and if they are it is too far away to be convenient. Do you mind if I ask either the cost or if you have their phone number? Thank you for your help! Excellent price! Do they have swimming?
  2. If you go to either a gym or aquatic center; please give me some information. Where do you go? Where is it's location! What are it's cost? What do you like or dislike?
  3. Which ones are you thinking? I like that one too!
  4. This sounds like a "You had to be there party!" Wish I had been!
  5. OOOOHhhh! I have not tried this with asparagus but I have made it with pickled ocra! They are delicious! ***Adding the asparagus to my grocery list!***
  6. DEFINITELY A JUNKIE! I am reading the books (BOOK 6 is coming in the mail this week!) We just finished season 1 of the show and we wait for Sunday night to run the kids to bed so we can watch this season! I like them both. I think the differences between the two are good but not enough to turn you off of one or the other.
  7. I am SO with you here! NO FUNERAL, NO GRAVE, BIG "A" PARTY afterwards!
  8. I enjoy stone mtn. I would do the passes. Laser show is required. Train ride--when the show is on. 4d theatre show was fun. If you go twice to do that you have paid for the passes. I am not sure if the big jungle gym thing is included in the pass but it looks amazing! Have you looked at their version of the "park hopper?". It has some good deals too.
  9. It wasn't a fake one but the first one i got a couple of months ago when the mods were looking for new-ish people with few posts but this one was on merit alone! So YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. That does help me maintain FOCUS-- at least until the second one
  11. There is a "NOW OPEN" sign at what used to be the old HARDY building at the fork on EAST MEMORAIL and the road to SARA BABB Library---anyone know what it is that is OPEN?
  12. I am looking forward to your posts like this now! Thanks!
  13. Nice! Thanks for sharing!
  14. I just cant see HOW she FELL ASLEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!
  15. What type of clothes? Jeans and tshirts? Capris? Shoes like sandals or heels?
  16. Okay. I can get that. I for one can stand those ugly Vera Bradley bags and their knock off cousins.
  17. Wow! I thought this was going to be about the season's styles.
  18. I think his and your life was simplified by offering him the choices he all ready prefers!
  19. WELL SAID! I have 3 boys. My oldest (13) is finally expressing an interest in clothing but before now he would wear anything--HOLES, STAINS, INCLUDED! My middle ( is particular--NO SHORTS all ready worried about his legs. The youngest (5) usually doesn't care. I iron and pick out their clothes for the week (during school.) They are told to pick from the stack but can wear how they like (THIS PIECE WITH THAT PIECE.) The youngest doesn't usually mind anything UNLESS he has his heart set on wearing something different. THEN, he put on what I have out and puts his choice on top of
  20. I can't make the flyer big enough to read the text. Could you email it?
  21. SIDE BAR: Salt water is good for diaper rash and diaper area yeast infections--boy babies.
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