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Posts posted by myrootsareplanted

  1. That's what they tell us. One day we were eating in Cracker Barrel and laughing about something and the waitress said "me and my sister have fun together all the time too." Lorra about died but I was happy!


    People do the same thing to me and my mother...she LOVES it!!

  2. bleh....candy canes. gross.


    wonder if she can figure out how to stick green and red m&m's on a tree and still make 'em edible?


    I hear ya on the candy canes....


    I was thinking buckeyes or chocolate covered almonds.....


    I'd buy one if she could!!

  3. she said candy, not cake!


    Smarties are my favorite Halloween candy. Chocolate covered cherries and Ghiradelli's peppermint Chocolate squares are my favorite Xmas time candy.



    Yep! But she also said Christmas and I can't really think of a candy that I eat at Christmas...

  4. yeah, nevermind....I have a full paragrah typed out about what I think, since the OP asked....but then I decided it just aint' worth it.


    I'm gonna spend my energy worrying about my uh, reptile, husband, and hoping he doesn't get shot at work today.



    NC :wub:


    You know how I feel about cops....but I also respect what they do! There are many really great cops...but along with the good comes the bad! I suppose that if what the OP said was true...I'd be really angry too! BUT...I'd point my anger at a person not a group. There is one officer with PC that I really HATE HATE HATE...but the rest..I don't have anything bad to say about them!

    Anyway point is....blame the person and fight for what is right!

  5. I'm at work and the mail comes...there was a package for me so I took it to my office to open it. When I did..to my surprise there was a ring and a letter.. I couldn’t help but laugh...a proposal by mail...he really had gone postal...

    I sent that ring back and changed my number in a hurry. What 28 year old man sends a ring in the freakin mail...GEez I really know how to pick a winner....

  6. April showers. I love the rain. Especially now that it does not happen as much. :lol:

    Green grass makes me happy....and a super blue sky makes me happy. My list of things that make me happy goes on and on... :)

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