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Posts posted by myrootsareplanted

  1. for?


    to visit....get away...rent. FAR FAR AWAY...... :)


    I dont see any curvy roads so I'll abstain from voting


    well you see....the website didn't show pics of the drive up....geez!

  2. I agree, my dreams become more vivid and scary right before something terrible happening.


    2 weeks before my husband left me, I dreamt a man was standing over my bed trying to kill me. I rarely have bad dreams, but when I do it's always before something horrible happens.



    Well that's just great. :wacko:

  3. I do...my dreams are all kinds of weird...I had one last night actually about a friend.


    I often wake up wondering why do I have these dreams involving the people that I care about? Why not randoms?? Dreams are weird. Fish talk to me and then they kill people. WEIRD! :wacko:


    I also talk durring my dreams...I've gotten into trouble b/c I've said things durring my dreams that my "bed mate" didn't want to hear :ph34r: :lol:


    I only dream like this when I have sheeze on my mind....which..is fairly often.

  4. Is anyone else excited that American Gladiators is back on the air? I used to love it when I was a kid, and I found that I'm still excited about it! That Crush girl is so glamorous, but I don't think I like the Wolf with his howling. A little scary for me.

    I watched a little bit of it last night. The Wolf guy....yea he freaks me out.....

  5. My thing is that I don't want to wind up jumping into something with someone else before I learn to be alone. I mean, my divorce is by no means final, but I don't wanna run out the second it is and find someone else, which is what I'm sure I'll do just because I won't want to be by myself.


    I hang out with friends or whatever, but they don't fill that "man" void, you know?



    ohhh....enjoy being alone.... You DON'T need a man you want a man...remember that...you don't need a man!! Men are EVIL!!

  6. I'm at work and it's really very silly....I could mess around on pcom at home. I've done a whole lot of nothing today, people don't want insurance today....I guess I'll try to leave between 2:30 and 3....And I do plan to go to lunch....

  7. I know there is going to be a santa in acworth tomorrow but I will have to ask my snl exactly where and when if you are interested.


    That would be GREAT!! Thanks so much!

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