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Posts posted by myrootsareplanted

  1. Funny you should ask, I just had this conversation on Saturday night. I'm going to be stuffed and put in the livingroom corner, my finger should be pointing and I should have "that" look on my face. It was a bit of a battle. But we were able to agree, the deal was... as long as holiday decorations could be wrapped around my stuffed body then it was a go.Of course, I agreed. I don't care much what I'm wearing as long as I'm wearing something.


    I also requested that if I die naked that my body be dressed prior to calling the taxidermist....I just don't like the idea of traveling nude. Anywho, point is...I just want clothing...you can dress me like a $2 hooker for all I care, after all I am dead..... so long as parts of me are covered. B)

  2. I'm going to be Mr. Creepy here, but maybe some of you have never heard this before and can consider it a public service announcement. Please don't lynch me, this is just something that parents of daughters should know.


    When guys go out, there are 3 things they look for on a girl that he thinks will increase his "chances".


    1. tattoo

    2. smoking

    3 uses the F word


    The thinking is, if she is into these things, she's probably not a prude.


    I was one of those guys that looked for these types of girls. I'm sorry to say, this theory is true most of the time.


    I am, BY NO MEANS, saying your daughter is like this. I am just informing you of what guys her age are thinking.



    LMAO :rofl:

  3. you dont seem to be the matter sammich type



    No meat!! YEs! They're perfect! Mayo, mustard, salt and pepper. I could live off of them!!



    ETA: What does the "matter sammich" type seem like?? :unsure:

  4. Pfft. I hate Valentine's Day. It's a waste of money to go buy cards and candy.


    It seems like a mandatory day to show appreciation and love. :rolleyes: It means so much more when it's just a random thing, rather than forced down our throats by Hallmark.





  5. Funny thing is, I'm not really that bitchy. I'm in a pretty decent mood (all things considered :lol: ), I'm looking forward to the weekend, and I am ready for some fun.





    I'm bitchy at work, that's it...never got that e-mail baby girl......

  6. There are times when I wish there was a lifeguard in the gene pool. That is all. We now return you to your regularly scheduled forum on why a little precipitation turns normal people into blithering idiots, along with other obvious observations like, water is wet and heat is hot.


  7. I like alone time. It's nice to get away and have "me" time every now and again.


    But bring more than one book if you're going for more than 2 nights. :lol:


    They are nice. Enjoy your down time.


    <------ insanely jealous.





    Oh...don't worry I'll bring more than a book.... :ph34r:

  8. Where are they located?


    5 bedrooms is a lot for one person.


    One was in Blue Ridge.... The other is uhh...hold please.......


    Ya think?? I like them though they're beeeaaaauuutiful!


    Me and a book and lots of Jager in a different bed each night. :)

  9. I like the first one, but I seriously doubt that the greenery there is going to look like that in the dead of winter. It's not all Pine.


    The second one is pictured more true to scenario with the winter season here.




    They are both beautiful. I could stand to run away myself (again). :lol:



    They're cheap right now...especially considering that both of those have 5 bedrooms....HA! But those are the ones that I like. I'm all over the first one in July....not Feb.

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