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Posts posted by myrootsareplanted

  1. Yes, anything that means anything to me is in there. My grandfather made it for me. I love it...once every year or so I go through it and laugh and cry!! Everytime I open it I throw something away...I guess what seems important at one time, isn't always important.....

    It's so much fun...

  2. So, I have a little girl and I make her bows. She also has really, really curly hair and I have to use detangler on it. Hubby decided to do her hair this morning, grabs the detangler...off of my craft table...and proceeds to do her hair. I didn't realize he did this until later, or I would have stopped him. The detangler bottle clearly has 'FABRIC STIFFENER, DO NOT USE ON NEVAEH'S HAIR' written in big black sharpie on it. :ph34r:





    :lol: Did you get a pic of her hair??

  3. and chop the veggies that need to go into my vegetable beef soup for dinner? I cooked the meat in the crockpot last night, but I need to finish getting it ready with the rest of the ingredients. TIA. Oh, we'll be eating around 7:30, and if I, or you, slightly nuke them before adding them to the pot, that shouldn't be a problem. Again, TIA.



    Turn the radio on...dance around and chop away!! Just be safe.... I cut myself doing this once...needless to say I got blood all over dinner so we couldn't eat it and I ended up in the ER getting stitches :D

  4. I don't think anyone is trying to make her feel guilty. Most of us are just baffled by the idea that someone would spend that kind of a money on a purse. :wacko: And another thing. People if you buy your daughter a $100 purse .. don't act all surprised when she ends up a spoiled bratt. Don't go around saying .. Oh, I don't know how THAT happened. Because, yes you do. :p

    I agree with you and I don't...I had nice things as a teenager...but I had to work for them. I had to pay for half.... so if my parents spent $100 on the purse so did I....


    The point is...that now.. as an adult it's my money to spend and it doesn't matter if anyone else thinks it's :wacko:

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