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Posts posted by myrootsareplanted

  1. I need to take two children to see Santa...I REALLY REALLY want to stay as far away from the mall as posisble on Saturday.... :wacko:

    Is there anywhere else I can go or am I just gonna have to get over it and brave the mall??

  2. :lol: There is always one in every crowd. My wife's family has never had a brawl, but mine always did. That's why I stopped going there.


    Yes...I've decided not to visit that side of the family this year. I don't need it!! They are...a...special bunch!

  3. Hold your tongue. I've spent that much on the jalapeno poppers in an afternoon.


    Yes..I've spent a hell of a lot more than $20 there...although, that was a... different time in my life...it's been about 5 years since I've been there :)

  4. The biggest day of the year is the day before Thanksgiving.....I haven't been on this night in a LONG time! Actually I haven't been to Cowboys in almost 3 yrs. Its just not the same any more. Everyone that goes have fun and drive safely, Cobb County will be LOOKING for you!



    The last time I went... Cobb County was LOOKING at me...I can tell you..geez..he can look for/at (whatever) me anytime he wants to :D

  5. My son who used to eat any and everything ...after halloween discovered candy and refuses to eat anything but junk... I thought it I just refused to give him junk he'd get hungry enough to eat his food... well no good he's lost 10 pounds and still holding out... any suggestions



    10 lbs???

  6. you don't squeeze (crush) the cans when you're done wif 'em???


    No where near as soft as Charmin!!!!! :lol:



    I don't do cans....if you make me angry I can't break a can over your head...this hot chick...in a bar..told me how to knock someone upside the head with a bottle the "right" way ;)

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