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larry t

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Posts posted by larry t

  1. The other day at a local store parking lot I wittnessed a very verbal and phyical fight between a man and woman,

    The ASSumed GF was loading her car with stuff she had brought when the ASSmed BF approched he and grabbed her by her hair and started Cussing her, saying awful things to her( all she said to him was to leave her alone) he then walked away I asked her if she needed me to call the police and she consented. Scared,shaking and crying she kept saying he was going to kill her..I stayed until the police came and then I left. I have worried about her ever since... WELL, who did I see today.. YEP both of them togather he was still "Fussing" at her because she was taking to long at the checkout...She made eye contact with me and hung her head. I just walked away??? what more could I do. Just do not understand why a person chooses stay in those kind of relationships !!!

  2. There is not rule that says you can't put the Potty chair in the living room in front of the T.V. , work like a charm for my Stubborn Grandchild !!! She would not sit in the bathroom, she drugg her potty in the LR and announced NOW I GO POTTY, and she did, we had our very first Poopy watching Bear in the big blue house !!!! ha ha


  3. I LOVE Gain, Downy. I also have a laundry fixation, Bleach & Gain for my towels, love to fold warm clean clothes. I will not wash if I am not able to wash,dry and fold, Refuse to leave clothes in dryer, Would never get a load out of dryer without folding them. I will turn dryer back on to warm them before folding. Seperate colors, white , Jeans and delicates. Yes, I love to do laundry..... something about warm clean clothes is comforting to me.

  4. My granddaughter is RAYNEE (Rainey) Love it !!!

    JoAnne- Mom

    S. Anne-sister

    H. DeAnne- Daughter

    K. Anne-neice

    R.JuliAnne- granddaughter

    We have used ANNE for 4 generations...I think that is enough

    My mom named me Denyse with a"Y" nobody ever spells my name right, always Denise or Denice

  5. I have had Migraines for 5 yrs, My DR. still is trying to convince me that it could be TMJ. He will not put in in writting because I am uninsured and I need to get dental insurance to get a full assesment. If he treat me for TMJ it would be

    "prexisting" and insurance may not cover it, so he just treats my headaches. Hope to have dental insurance soon.

  6. So let me guess.....Pcom is going to collect donations for this nut case and get her heat and dryer working so she can continue to act like an ass on the side of the highway instead of getting a job like everyone else???



    Well now, that was just mean !!! Just remember one day you may be a "nut case" and "cold" and see how many people come running to help you out. Clearly, Miss Jessie has a problem, we are all aware of that, but it does not mean that we should turn our back on her.

  7. I was blessed with a New grandson and have watched all 10 grow and play, each one as precious as the other..

    what more could a Nana ask for


    I have read that several of our P.commers have had sick babies, my prayer is that all of them become healthy and strong and happy !!!!

  8. Apple bottom jeans

    Boots with the fur

    The whole club was lookin at herrr

    She hit the floor next thing you know

    Shorty got low low low low low low low



    OMG !!! my 6 year old granddaughter was singing that to me yesterday !!!!

    not up on my tunes, so I wasn't sure what she was saying, so she explained to me that that was her favorite song in the whole world.. to funny

  9. There is a book written by one of the flight crew, I can't recall the name of it right now ( I think her last name was Pearl) but will find out and post it later. I think I may have a copy of the book, If so you are welcome to borrow it

    Encluded in the book were lots of pictuers. My mom was a RN and was working the ER @ Paulding Memorial hospital, she has many sad memories of the day and the days afterwards. you should have no problem getting information SO many people were involved in many so many ways in the days that followed



    Sorry did not see that post.... I will still look for my copy.

  10. Posting this for My Mom : Yes, I am am addicted to coffee cups, I am in search of the perfect one. Dollar tree ones are the best. Something about buying a cup seems to satisfy me, I am a coffee drinker and the feel of the cup must be right. I have been known to buy 5 or 6 cup a week (all different, I don't do sets ) I am not sure where this comes from, but I must admit I am addicted.


    Now you will hear from me, Mom lives with me and it is my cabinets the ALL the CUPS in up in. SO, we have made a deal for every ONE cup she buys 2 must be given away to good will..... so far so good, she is complying and her addiction is under control.





  11. When my Moms pup was stolen (and we know someone stopped and picked her up off the road, neighbor saw them get her ) we ran an ad in the paper for her safe return. We recivied a phone call from a lady asking all kinds of questions about a puppy she found she wanted...Medical condition, age, name of our dog ..for just a second we were sure it was her and then the lady said the one she found was a male... and hung up. We played right in to her hands.... she now has all the information she needed to know about our little Chloe. Like you, the number was blocked and we could not get any information on who called,,, JUST PLAIN MEAN

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