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larry t

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Posts posted by larry t

  1. DO NOT GET ME STARTED !!!! we just refianced with them on our mortage, we were due a refund from our escrow, was told it would deposit into our account.... never got it, so I went ot the bank to inquire about it, waited with costumer service for ever....only to be told that our mortage was not even showing up on their computer (ask me if I was sure that I was at the right bank !!!) As of today I have not gotten an answer on my refund, or even if they ever found my MORTAGE..... I AM WAITING IT OUT JUST TO SEE IF THEY DO ANYTHING. Payment not due until 4-1


  2. I have bounced only 1 check in 24 years of marriage and it was a honest mistake... but it cost me out the wazoo !!!!!

    $30 dollars at the bank and $25 at the store ( long time before overdraft protection) the check was for $17.00....

  3. Great news Thomas, I am so glad you can rest easier now. I will continue to pray for your health and happiness. I Feel God has big plans for you, you are a good man. I am glad he Blessed you with a early suprise, Those are the best kind !!

  4. My DIL planned a party for our granddaughter (slumber party) 4or 5 little girls. She went all out with decorations, snacks, cake, ice cream, makeup party, games and music. Here's the kicker..... they all RSVP'ed and then NOT ONE of them showed up !!!!!


  5. Funny you mention this, just the other day in a local Grocery store parking lot I saw an eldery lady driving a red mustang with LOUD music thumping and she was singing her heart out to the oldies...Funny sight....

    YOU GO GRANNY........


  6. Maybe check his drivers licneses and make sure they are not expired ! that would atleast be a start, he would have to go and get them renewed, and they might ask questions about his ability to drive

  7. Sandra Lee is an alcoholic....hahahah she'll tell you how to make the cake then fix a drink to forget about the cake and get you through the party!



    That is so funny, I just said the same thing the other day....... I really can't stand to watch her.... she is goofy

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