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larry t

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Posts posted by larry t

  1. GT One of our Granddaughters did this, Really weird, after talking to the Ped. she suggested waking her several times during the night, not wide awake, but rousing her with soft convrersation and offering her a drink. Then letting her fall back a sleep. Disrupting the deep sleep seemed to help break the patteren. I am no DR. It worked for us, after several weeks she settled in to a full night sleep. It's worth a try. But I will agree that stress has alot to do with it also, Maybe a warm bath and a massage (our 5 yr old loves a massage, have done it all her life) before bed time will help. Good luck !!

  2. I did not personaly know any of the men killed in the plane crash, but it has affected me deeply. Everyone I have spoke to have told their stories of these great men, either on a personal basis or family basis.... SO MANY are hurting at their loss. Family, friends Bussiness men, Each moorning the loss. In some small way we have experianced our on 9/11 in our county(that the only way I know to express how I feel ) I realize it was 6 people, 6 Dads, 6 Husbands, 6 sons, 6 brothers, uncles, nephews, cousins and 6 freinds. But the impact they had on our county was hugh. Seems they touched so many in all diffrent ways. I am so sad for all involved, I pray for all that are hurting, that God may comfort you at this terrible time in you life. I guess it has helped me understand the you are not promised the next minuet. RIP, Hal, Wesley, Tony,Steve, Frank and Robbie

  3. My sister told me about this and I took the time to listen to it, this is the most heart felt message I have ever heard, if you have the time and are a parent you must hear this man speak at the memorial service of his precious baby boy's funeral... "cornbread" as they called him on the radio, drowned in the family pool . Also listen to the song deciated to him...so heartbreaking...

  4. I woke this morning feeling so blue and defeated, so many negitive things I felt I need to deal with, This is refreshing, I will choose my thoughts and dwell on only the positive today..... Thanks

  5. Dr. Albert Edwards @ Bethsda Family Practice, Powder Springs, Great DR. Not sure if they are accepting new patients. But he is a down to earth good ole' Dr. ( across from Dairy Queen)

  6. Oh Girl I am SCRREEAAMMING, Just ready to throw my hands up and Quit.


    NO I won't !! I will no be defeated, I must trudge along, In my right mind I know things will get better


    O.K. now I feel better, Thanks I needed that !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. I was 16 when my Son was born, My Mom and Dad (disapointed) but supported me 100%, 33 years later, My Handsome Marine,Sheriff Deputy,Black belt,borned again christian, Dad to his 2, wonderful husband (I could go on an on) has been the greatest Blessing a mother could ever recieved, I thank God eveyday for him. It will be fine, not easy. But you will fine that this baby will bring you so much joy and happiness. Tell your Daughter that I admire her for her choice and she will never regret the decision she has made.

  8. I took great pride in knowing I was not in a dysfunctional Family. Had/ have the best Mom in the world. My Daddy was a good man that loved his children and was a hard worker. And they both gave to us the best. It was in my grown up years that I began to feel Disfunctional. Remarrying...stepchildren... exs....4 teenagers at the sme time. I don't know but chaios broke loose and it has taken a toll on me over the years. Things have got better after I finally got a back bone and said NO MORE, I remove any negitave's out of my life even if it means hurting feeling or stepping on toes.









    Marc, that is so sweet of you to be so supportive of you wife. I Have a sweetie of my own and he has alway given me the support I needed to get thru hard times, it's also a real confident booster too !!!! Good Luck to both of you

  10. My hubbby (who is not a P.commer) walked by the computer several nights ago, Said WAIT WAIT, GO BACK, I need to see that again, I wasn't sure what he was talking about..... SO I scanned back up to see what it was he needed to read, He just stared,smiled a walked away?? MEN.....

  11. I have 2 first graders, who have only missed 1 day of school, so I figured why not give them the day off. We still have lots of snow on the ground, so I figured they could have a little fun today. Well, when one of them woke up and realized he wasn't going to school, he began pitching the biggest fit I have ever seen. My dd was ecstatic that she was getting to stay home, but not ds. Oh nooooo, I sent him to his room, where he tried to crawl out his window... yes, crawl out his window!!! :o (2nd story) He later escaped out the front door where he tried to run to the neighbor's house to ask them to drive him. It was beyond anything I've seen, and I've been a foster parent. Gees, I didn't even get to enjoy my cup of coffee. <_<

    Well mine checked in school @ 9:30, Cried to go...... I thought she would enjoy a day off also, but she reminded me that it was the 100th day of school and they were doing fun stuff and she had to be there. So, off we went. I guess this is a good thing. I am glad she is enjoying school !!!!

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