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larry t

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Posts posted by larry t

  1. May I add that My order of a local BBQ place left out MY supper, I called them and said it was sitting on the counter, They forgot to put in my bag, I told them I would be back to pick it up and they informed me that they were closing....OMG...I went ballistic.... when I did get back, the little feller was sitting on the curb with my order in his hand.

    Lights out, everybody else gone.

  2. I went to a local chicken place yesterday, ordered from drive thru... 1 2 piece chicken dinner, 2 country fried steak dinners, 3 sides of cole slaw..... after a few huh's and what did you says, she gave me my amount and I drove around to the window, I reminder her of my 3 slaws and she said yes they are in the bag.... I watched her bag the order and I knew she had not put them in. People were behind me so I pulled up and doubled checked just to be sure. Parked and went in and explained that I did not get my Extra sides. RUDE was not even the word, she informed me that the slaw was put in the plates and I needed to check again, I opened all three plates and ask her if she saw slaw, all she said was "well, wonder how that happened, I will need to ring up the slaw before I can put it on the plate.....Well, my Blood was boling by them. I reminded her I had already PAID for the stupid slaw. OH, she said I knew that and I forgot..O.K. here is you slaw, can I get you any thing else?? I said yeah, the Manager... And she was a grown adult, not a teenager.

  3. Poor baby, some people just don't understand how important the little things like a Spiderman can be in a two year olds life I will BOLO for spidey and pray for his safe return.

  4. I don't think I a grudge, but there are times that I need to cool off and think about the situation. I am usaully the BIGGER person and try to resolve the problem. If I am wrong I will apologize. I try real hard to advoid confrontaion. But put in the situation I will stand my ground !!!

  5. Well my mom just made me stop and think about something !!!!

    I told her what I said about the "beard trimming" and she looked at me and said "what I would give to clean up my Daddy mess again!! (he has been gone for 14yrs.) She said if there is hair on the sink, that means he is here with you.

    Treasure those hairs because he could be gone tomorrow, and you would not have him here to clean up after.


    DIDN'T SEE THAT COMMING, Guess she is right !!!!

  6. I wish I knew the answer, I am watching my own child self -destruct (from bad choices she chooses to make) I have done everything humanly possible to help her... As a parent I am heartbroken, she has made me question my "Mothering" skills I have asked myself a million times where did I go wrong? I see her young life (27, tomorrow) just fading away, she is my baby, my only daughter and to see her do this to herself is so sad.

  7. I love to watch my boys with their kids they are such good Daddy's and the kids just adore their Daddy's .

    And as Grandparent, Ain't nothing no sweeter that seeing our Babies love their babies !!!!! YES, PRECIOUS MOMENTS

  8. I have know Her Mom and Dad for years and the are great people, since the news on Ashley, I have prayed for her and her family daily, God has is hand on Ashley, she is strong in her faith, and has the support of hundreds of people.

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