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larry t

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Posts posted by larry t

  1. As I have said before, Being a Mom of 2 Deputy's this is my fear EVERYDAY . This is so sad, My prayers go out to this family. Thanks TOW for posting this, It's reminder to me to Say my prayers for my Boys Safety and That God will allow them to home to their families after each shift.


  2. :lol:


    I don't need one to know...I can just sit back knowing my mom will call hyperventilating about the weather being bad :lol:



    I hear ya, except mine lives with me, fully dressed (rain coat and bonnet, Bless her heart) with her pocket book @ 6am, tapping on my bedroom door this morning

    LETTING ME KNOW it was raining and a "torenaner" might come !!!!

  3. Need to take 5 year old for eye exam, she keeps having headaches and thought I would start by getting her eyes checked.

    I have Wellcare Insurance on her, and not even sure it covers Vision, I will call tomorrow, but thought I would get a heads-up on any local DR's

  4. I would like to think that I am a caring person, My Mom was a nurse for 30 some odd years, my grandmother was a nurse and my Sister is a nurse. I alway wonder why I didn't become a nurse and talked to my mom about it a few years ago, And she reminded me that even tho I was not a nurse I was a caregiver, I worked Child care for 20 years, and loved every minuet of it. Today I am still a caregiver, I take care of My mom, My husbands mom and I am raising one of my grandchildren, all live in our house. It is what I do best, and I would not have it any other way. Have I made a difference??? Hope so, Do they need me, absolutely. We are only doing what God said do for your parents and that is to Honour them, And where would that 5 year old be without me "Mom And Dad" Did not take the responsibility. I have been so blessed and I thank God everyday that I can give back.



  5. Remember the Chili Dog ? A walk up-little trailer across from the hospital?

    And Vaughn's is where we went to lunch EVERY sunday after church.

    My hubby is older than me and he has told lot's of stories abut all the fun he had on Sat. nights@ Vaughns

    (spent a night in Jail because of Drag racing) his Mom is 88 and he has never told her.


    Oh! and you could get a Hambuger Steak for $1.39, with Milkshake and fries (I've heard that a millon times)

  6. Drop her off early tell her what time you will return, and them show up 30 minuets early and fade into the crowd and watch her behavior.... did it all the time when my were young. I have been known to slip in and sit behind them at the movies. just can't be to careful anymore. ( A firefly phone is a really good Idea.)

  7. A man cave is a wonderful thing , Hubby has his....Many marriages would be save if we could work this into every floor plan. I encourage you to do do this, Every"Boy" needs His space, ( I still would not let my guard down, boys and Basements is a recipe for lot of "science projects" I would remind his of his responsabilty to clean. Nothing like week old cereal bowels and sweaty socks.

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