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larry t

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Posts posted by larry t

  1. I like to buy the pre-made ones and add special stuff to it, more "toy" things less candy. Last year I added hair bows puzzles, kiddie jewely and bubble bath....she is 5yrs. old, so the magic is still there.

  2. Go to walmart. in the boating section you can purchase air horns, as soon as you hear someone outside, (call cops first) raise a window step back and blast their a$$ with it, It will make them aware that you know they are there and not welcome. If nothing else they will need to bleach their underdrawers out....

    I realize this is a serious matter, and mean no disrespect by joking. Maybe outside lights or motion sensors. Please call everytime this happens, keep a log of time and dates, They may slip up and get caught and all the evidence you have will work to your advantage.

  3. Night Night!

    Don't let the bed bugs bite!


    Fond memory...My Daddy alway said that to me, I said it to my kids and now to my grand kids.

    We have said that every night of my life, My five year old never goes to bed without me saying

    "night night, don't let the bed bugs bite" and she says, "cause they go bite,bite,bite".........

  4. My son can remember things from when he was 2 yrs old, It amazes me for him to be able to recall things in such detail. I feel sure that it is memories, not just stories. I had forgot that I had decorated his room in "Dukes of Hazards" and proably would have never remembered it until the new movie came out in '06, he remembered everything about his room, even the layout.... he was 22 months old ? we only lived there until he was 2 1/2.

    He still has that "memory thing" I call him all the time when I need a trivia question answered...

  5. This reminded me of something that happened awhile back... My MIL (88 yrs old) thinks the lottery is "of the Devil" But the magic ticket got the best of her on day while I was at the convient store, she gave me a dollar and ask me to purchase her "Just one" and don't tell anyone,don't want the church people to know I got one" !!! several days passed and I ask her to get her ticket and I would check her #, She commences to go and get the ticket out of her bible ???

    I Just chuckled.... Bless her heart!!!

  6. staying home, Hubby is cooking me BBQ ribs, baked beans, cole slaw.......Today is My birthday, we did the candy and cadr thing this morning. BUT I am holding him to a dinner out later on.....mmmm maybe Ruby Tuesday's

  7. Well, excuse me for living, I just fell out of a herst.






    What makes it worse is when I was growing up I thought she was saying "Well, excuse me for living, I just fell out

    of REVERSE."


    If you think the first one didn't make any sense, the second one sure doesn't! :lol:



    I thought My Mother was the only one in the world that said that... I looked twice to see of my sister posted it


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