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larry t

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Posts posted by larry t

  1. Well... I not sure what to say !!!!!!!

    Reminds me of the Ray Stevens song.....Can't remember the name of it,

    but he had a Weed eater, Rubber chicken and some peach preserves ( something about ,"It's me again Margrete")

  2. Well we were there, All 5 of our kids were grown and on their own, my Husband retired and we were going to do all kinds of stuff...... WELL GUESS WHAT, we are now raising our 5 year old grand daughter...... And you know what WE are loving it. WE are also enjoying the other 9 G-babies, they are such a blessing and SO much fun.

    Just don't think we could have done anything else as rewarding as being NANA & PAPA


    it's in the GRANDPARENT HAND BOOK !!!!

    And man ... is it so much fun !!!!

    Oh, don't forget the chapter on "melting your heart" because they can

    do that with just a smile...


    She is a beauty !!!!

  4. Papa drives his old clunker jeep down the driveway to pickup our 5 yr old Granddaughter, she is a real papa's girl

    when she get off the bus, she thinks that is the coolest thing ever (so does Papa)

  5. WE are so blessed, our Grandson ELIAS BRODY was born this morning @ 11:46

    weighing in at 8lbs 8oz 18 inches long !!! He is just beauitful. Mom and Dad and

    Proud big sister MADDIE BELLE are doing great. Just wanted to share !!!!!


    PICS in post #11 Thanks Aunt Lana

  6. Oh I just lived thruogh this.... My Payment due date fell on Sunday , that Monday was a holiday so made the payment at the bank on Tuesday..... yep.. Paid the default payment for six months 32.24 six consective months, SUCKS I called and tried to explain my situation (pay day was on friday ) and of course I got the" could have paid it on saturday, SORRY story" which is true SO I just paid it I really did't have a excuse.

    I to will pay off ASAP AND CLOSE CC , just not happy with BANK OF AMERICA ANYMORE!!!!!

    (P.S. My rate did return to 14 % which is what it was before default %)

  7. Bones, my son works for SO, I gave him infomation Rex, ask him to keep an eye out for him.

    He works diffrent zones in PC, it's a long shot but who knows !! sorry I didn't see this earlier. Keep the Faith. Someone stole my mom

    pup several years ago, so I feel you pain

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