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Everything posted by OldGoat99

  1. I love how they draw these lines.... anyway to create and extra vote one way or another. it should be by county or some other straight forward fixed method and left that way. Use roads and or county lines and leave it alone. If the people in the district change their votes or party, don't redraw the lines.
  2. I just got my Android about a week ago and it is a very cool phone and it has yet to drop a call. It is fast and I love it and I have been looking for various apps and ..... well I have looked and looked... then I thought WHAT AM I DOING... I should be asking the folks on PCom... ' Well spread the wealth and tell me what are some of the cool apps you use on your Droid.... Thanks,,, P.s. can you fall in love with a phone? (I love mine ) and not in the kinky way...
  3. Whoooo hooooo about time..... No issues this the morning, but I was about 5 min late (6:10) was fine
  4. Just read this article and wanted to share the info. Makes me think I will be checking into the better detectors. Dads Of Fire Victims Talk About Better Smoke Detector http://www.cbsatlanta.com/news/25230610/detail.html
  5. Nice to see that someone that is using it a lot is still under the limit. Thanks for sharing.
  6. I gather you think because this kid did this we should throw him away. Yea that is right, put the kid in jail and lets pay for him to stay there... Hey do you have some common sense? If not go get some... Another one with no common sense .... Give me a break... some folks don't get do they?
  7. Lets just take the kid out back and ....... Too many knee jerk responses now a days and throw the kid out with the water mentality. I was a kid and did a serious list worth of stupid things when I was under age. I think I turned out pretty good and make a decent living etc etc. Now to bring this issue back into reality.... The kid was wrong and should know better. Did the kid get bullied and brought the gun for safety reasons? Was this just a show and tell thing that he was a little kid about and forgot the rules? The parents should have a level of responsibility here, but yo
  8. I wonder how many cases will get dropped from this and how much it will cost the county? I wonder if he will get the slap on the wrist and buried in the back yard paperwork.
  9. I just am making the point that that advertised unlimited and it is actually limited. Plus my kids watch tv over the internet more then regular tv. Heck I asked them if when they get their own apartment if they would pay for tv or just watch over the internet and they said why pay when you can watch all they want over the internet. I doubt I will ever use the max, but it kind makes me wonder a bit.
  10. I think if you put up an unlimited sign, then you should get unlimited period.... This is a bit misleading if you really think about it.
  11. I will add slightly off topic that I love seeing the 15-20 lights on the East Paulding park each morning burning all night to .... I am not sure why they are turned on .... But I bet the county gets a good rate for leaving them on. I do note the park lights on the East West connector are off except one or two.... Humm We must have more money for lights then Cobb county.
  12. I just connected to my Comcast online account and noted a limit of 250MB a month on my downloads..... I thought it was unlimited? Sounds like some truth in advertising needs to be changed on their part. October 2010 Data Usage Included Used Remaining 5% As of 10/4/2010* 250GB 13GB 237GB *Actual usage shown is not real-time and could be delayed up to 3 hours. Usage History July 81GB [*] August 18GB [*] September 24GB [*] 250GB 200 150 100 50 Return to the Users & Settings tab
  13. Hey just a FYI to anyone that might need to get and use a bobcat. I had a small project that needed a bobcat for the most part and wanted to save some money. I had a few people call and even had one come out and never gave me a quote. Well the home depot has this smaller home use baby bob cat. I completed the work I needed in about 4-hrs and then went back and did some additional work. I even let my neighbor use it for 2hrs for his yard work. It was easy to use and although a bit slower then what a bobcat could have done faster it was only $100 for 24hrs. It saved me about $100
  14. That is saying a lot about 15yr old girls then.... I would think a parent of a young girl would be teaching her the ways of the world by 13 and having regular talks since they are still learning. Edited to add: That kids do grow up faster and should not be that dumb to not know the basics, a little naive yes, but that is where parents come in to keep them informed.
  15. What about the 15 yo? is that age not smart enough to know better? What about her parents? The rest of the story... who knows for sure.
  16. Me and the Mrs. just go done putting about 480 sq feet of shingles on our boat port. Still has a ways to go, but we have about 4 days work in to this and it is solid as a rock. 15 x 26 .... I give a lot of credit to the Mrs for her helping hands http://www.midnighteagle.com/documents/new_boat_parking.html Most recent pictures are at the top. 1st was the tree removal and stumps removed (1 1/2 days) 2nd the main posts (1/2 day) 3rd finish the posts (1/4 day) 4th Center peak and A frame and adding structural supports (1/4 day) 5th Putting the plywood down and tar pa
  17. Why is that some folks can post what ever they wont on the main page and it will sit for hours or days and others.... Get there stuff moved in seconds? Oh I gather I don't don't know the right folks..... I get it now... Stupid me....
  18. Found her thread... thanks http://paulding.com/forum/index.php?/topic/252417-buh-bye-quicken/page__hl__mintcom__fromsearch__1
  19. Microsoft money is going away in a few months and Quicken is not for me. Stumbled upon Mint.com Just curious if any one uses it and what they think of it. Thanks for the input... http://www.mint.com/
  20. I look at this way she had more important things to do then what was her elected job..... She needs more time to do that now.... IMO she can have all the time she wants.... She does not want to be there, so lets help her do what she wants to do... I have to be at work and I think she should have to be at the votes and meetings and if not then she does not deserve to be anywhere but home She will not get my vote... Period
  21. It is news.... Sounds like you need to live in the back woods where the news is nothing more then church news... This is not Mayberry and we are not in the 50's any more... (Well we want it to be sometimes)
  22. I agree with you... I would not use a company with a hand printed sign. But can understand the need for better management of the trash signs at intersections.
  23. Well at least they did not think of Bush as someone to put on the Dollar... He loved to spend it faster then it came in and he was full of him self too. Now a Palin on a 3" x 4" roll of TP would be perfect for me.
  24. I wonder how this would play out if you taped all the BS that is said at a kids baseball or football game and treated it the same way? What about a college level game or two? I wonder how many people would be locked up?
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