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Everything posted by solosoul

  1. As we all know just because you are he got 2 years does not in anyway mean he will do even close to 2 years. He could have hit the owner. I say the public is a safer place with out him in it.
  2. I would let whoever held the auction know and also tell others so they can avoid doing business with people like that.
  3. SO has requested rescue.... 2 car moderate damage
  4. How much money are you talking about and did you get to claim it as a donation on your taxes?
  5. See it is comments like this that remind me just how childish some adults are and realize they should have no place in politics.
  6. In which case you were right to call the police and have it handled outside of school. It is a shame the teachers word was not enough.
  7. See I am not so sure that they do not care. I think in a lot of ways "we" have tied their hands to where they can not do anything. They have to worry about all the parents who sue at the drop of a hat to protect their little bullies and WIN because "we" give them big money rewards. I think you also have to ask just what LEGALLY they can do in a case of he said she said. The courts and the politics have forced the schools to be very careful and very very PC....and guess what "we" the people did that to them. If "WE" want to change that then we need to STOP falling all over ourselves to sue and
  8. I'll take the "or else" and do it on the 31st here.
  9. You'll have to come to see... I told them they could "stage" at my house and I would help with the turn out gear
  10. Why do you not just go away. You have NO IDEA what you are talking about AT ALL.... NONE Sorry you are upset because you have been call on the carpet for running your mouth and being such a jerk.
  11. They just said the road will be shut down
  12. Not sure..they first gave Hwy 101 as cross street and then said Courthouse Rd as a better one. Someone has a head injury
  13. Cross street Courthouse Rd Someone it sounds is hurt real bad
  14. Sorry they are closing. Nothing much has ever done well there.
  15. I HEARD they were going to have an auction ....they are auctioning off nights with HOT FIREMAN and all donations go to a special fund. It is to start at midnight Heard this year there will be LOTS of "EYE" candy
  16. Well because of the Hot Fireman paramedics I think I am going as FIRE.
  17. I think good clean debates are a great thing for the voters. I also think voters should be able to ask some question and have them answered off the cuff.
  18. You are a good Mom...the thing is that what you did today was the best thing yet. When you tell her all the time you are going to do something and then you do not follow through with it then you are teaching her you do NOT mean what you say. By doing what you told her this morning you are teaching her that she must get ready and leave on time or she will have to pay for being disrespectful and not listening or caring about you having to be at work on time. A good lesson to teach her.DO NOT BACK DOWN..DO WHAT YOU SAID YOU WOULD DO EVERY BIT OF IT.
  19. Guess it has been a while since you have been to FL. Heck I spend more time on toll roads in Fl than anywhere else.
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