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Everything posted by **Bren**

  1. okay, they are in the fridge now, I hope they turn out well. A lady brought them to church last week and they were so good. I crushed a bunch of candy canes in the chopper into powder and added sugar to it to sprinkle on top. I am ready for some dern cookies
  2. aahhwww, your so sweet I have candycane dust to go on top of them. The batter tastes really yummy
  3. I found a recipe and have made perfectly but the batter still seems to loose. I still have to add red food color to half and I am suppose to roll it I'm not sure if it is gonna be thick enough to roll. Just wondering if anyone has tried these
  4. oh goodness, sounds like someone from my family tree
  5. its been great, he did it Halloween i think. Very cool stuff, check out your profile. You can set your "status"
  6. pretty much the same as Thanksgiving. turkey ham dressing dumplings sweet tater casserole broccoli rice and chez casserole peas rolls pecan pies (my fav) sweet tater pies (yuk) pecan cake candy cane cookies
  7. well we all swapped screen names about a month ago so noone is who they seem to be
  8. much better!!! I got some shopping done this morning, stopped by Bloom salon and Krystal cut all my hair off (love it) and when I get home my sweet 15 yo son, the same one that cooked me dinner last night had cleaned my stove and my oven and I didn't even ask him to And a Pcommer stopped by the house looking for a different Pcommer and found me So it has been a good day, now I need to clean the floors maybe later
  9. him I hate, but I have seen him on a show outside of survivor. He has some serious issues, serious
  10. you need some Raider stuff. (as long as it doesn't say oakland )
  11. I don't get it. My oldest son declared that he wanted an earring when he was about 12 so my DH decided to give him one. He held him down and put a large thumb tack to his earlobe with just enough pressure to feel it touching. Funniest thing happened he changed his mind I dared him to say he wanted a tattoo
  12. you better be careful! Your gonna be old one day and guess who gets to pick out your nursing home Does she hold a grudge very long
  13. I think he was dead serious. He knew from the get go he didn't win, it was written all over his face. I don't think the money meant squat to him. He wanted his ego fed. He wanted to be the Sole Survivor and he didn't get it. I hope he is on the next survivor but I don't know how he would get very far
  14. I've got some extra pain meds if you need'em We are here if you need us
  15. oohhh no, I don't like being high on pills thank you thank you
  16. I went to get a piece earlier and it was almost gone That thing was 4 layers Dern kids
  17. I'm not hurting now, but yesterday percocet was my friend. My boys thought I was funny. I have zero tolerance for pain meds so I musta been quite a sight I know I just had a little episode Now I feel bad, poor Lowrider
  18. My 15 yo son is making me homemade chicken pot pie. He has been chopping the veggies and making the broth it smells so good.
  19. I wish Subby a Merry Christmas
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