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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. The OP didn't give a source for the statement he posted. The simple solution would be for anyone with a few minutes to call the business and if someone answers, to ask them, then report back here.
  2. If wind is so good, it will be built using private funding. It won't need a cent of tax money.
  3. I've read he's been causing problems because he places his own phone calls, and when he identifies himself the person who answers assumes someone is playing a practical joke.
  4. That was probably their biggest problem - letting people know they were there and getting them to come in. S&S is at one of the busier intersections in the county. Paulding Bowling was on a back road, all but invisible to most of the local residents.
  5. Anyone surprised by this? White House leaves door open to sending American Amanda Knox back to Italy
  6. Stand firm knowing if you start giving him money, it will only make things worse in the long run.
  7. The 'framing' departments at the other craft stores are the same. Probably the best idea.
  8. You're right. The OP posts something, people want to discuss it or offer countering opinions and all the OP does is snipe back, starting the snipping. If she would involve her in actual discussion, things would be much more civil.
  9. Framing departments do cut matts, but can they cut a name into the mat?
  10. Try lay it out and use a very sharp xacto. It shouldn't be very hard to design using any of the word processing or graphic design programs.
  11. Is is something you can share so others in your area will know?
  12. You do know what country that study is from, don't you? What does it have to do with a discussion about the American Medical Association's resolution?
  13. Again, I agree it should have been on a general ballot. Apparently even the liqueur store and convenience store owners didn't care enough to get together and spend a few hundred/thousand dollars to bring this vote to the public's notice. :rolleyes:
  14. You're right about the date they picked. All it would have taken was a few folks serious about getting the word out and it would have foiled their backdoor attempt at keeping it secret. Unfortunately it appears there wasn't anyone serious enough to put the time and effort in.
  15. IIRC, the commissioners have specific rules and laws that apply to elections. Specifically, they must post a notice in the 'Official' county newspaper (the Dallas New Era). Other than that, they can't advertise for or against the issue, it's up the the citizens to do that. This has been the way it's been for decades - all over the country. I seem to remember mention of the election here when it was first scheduled, so it wasn't a secret. It just appears few thought it was worth their time and effort to campaign for the referendum.
  16. And pay for it with Pounds? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :blink:
  17. power out in the powder miill subd. across from the dallS hwy Wal-Mart. we had some wind and a little hail, but nothing too bad (so far)
  18. Also, what promises might she have made before she was too wasted to fulfill them? Still no excuse for the guys - they will have this haunting them for the rest of their lives.
  19. He's probably the boy from the flashbacks still looking for his dad.
  20. Other cruise lines have had problems with their propulsion systems that go unnoticed by the press. Why is that? Carnival is not perfect, but the amount of misinformation is outstanding. The original horror stories on the Dream were from the word of just TWO people who took it upon themselves to call CNN. I read that an CNN employee was on the cruise and was cut-off from a live interview because he didn't corroborate the two reports. Reporters talked with a number of passengers on St. Maarten yesterday and didn't find any to back up the original reports. Also, as far as the Dream, I can
  21. A lot of that would be up to the foreign country you're docked at. BTW - I've never had my passport 'held' during a cruise. It's checked and returned before boarding.
  22. That was overnight. They were able to get off the ship today. Carnival says they've made the arrangements with the government that the passengers should have no problem flying in without passports.
  23. The only thing they're missing from what they paid for is the trip back to Orlando. They made every stop on the itinerary, got an extra day on St. Marteen and a free flight back to the states. 3 Days refund should be more than enough for all but the most greedy. BTW - Shipboard records show only one public toilet needed special cleaning and only one room service call for the same, so conditions weren't as bad as the news organizations made it out to be.
  24. Probably true, except there is only one of her dishing it out to dozens of other posters.
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